Nested response tuples - best practices?

Hi, in some situations I need to broadcast a message from genserver, need to say it’s error, what kind of error, and also return the element that caused the error. So I end up with something like this:

{:enrollment_processed, {:error, {:already_enrolled, enrollment}}}

I guess it’s kinda ugly and error prone. What’s the best practice to deal with this?

a) tuple with more than 2 elements
{:enrollment_processed, {:error, :already_enrolled, enrollment}}

b) merge error + type of error
{:enrollment_processed, {:already_enrolled, enrollment}}

c) other solutions?

Note I need to have enrollment in this message, because based on that I can broadcast it to the right channel and the liveview can report which enrollment wasn’t saved.

To be fair I wouldn’t even use :enrollment_processed because that implies that it finished successfully. Whatever you opt for IMO the first element of the tuple should be something along the lines of :enrollment_failed and then 2nd element and further should elaborate on why did it fail.


Consider two message shapes:

  1. Nested: {:processed, {:ok, item}} and {:processed, {:error, item}}
  2. Flat: {:succeeded, item} and {:failed, item}

The “nested” option makes it possible to write a generic handler for “processed”:

def handle_info({:processed, status}, socket) do

…but leads to extra destructuring if you have two separate handlers:

def handle_info({:processed, {:ok, item}}, socket) do

def handle_info({:processed, {:error, item}}, socket) do

The “flat” option forces you to use two handlers, but they’re more readable and efficient than the two handlers of the “nested” option:

def handle_info({:succeeded, item}, socket) do

def handle_info({:failed, item}, socket) do

So I’d recommend nesting as much as you need for pattern matching, and not more.


Thank you both. I went for flat tuples and more verbose code. I guess it’s better to have multiple smaller and simpler handler functions that are clearer and easier to reason about, especially if you look at them a few years later, or come into the project from the outside.


Yes, remember, you are communicating mainly to other developers (including yourself many months later). If we were communicating mainly to the machine, we would (still) be writing in binary.

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