New LiveView internet deployment, no phx_reply is sent with endless phx_join messages sent

So I just got a new liveview deloyment, using Redis as the pubsub backend while I get cluster forming figured out. The first page render works fine, and there is a phx_join and phx_reply of rendered. After signing in with default phx.gen.auth behavior, I’m getting many phx_join messages sent but no phx_reply. Any idea why this might be?

What does the log of you phoenix app say?

The only error I have in my cloudwatch logs is this:

05:34:59.591 [error] Ranch listener AppWeb.Endpoint.HTTP had connection process started with :cowboy_clear:start_link/4 at #PID<0.3127.0> exit with reason: {:function_clause, [{WebSockAdapter.CowboyAdapter, :terminate, [{:crash, :error, :function_clause}, %{port: 80, scheme: "http", version: :"HTTP/1.1", path: "/live/websocket", host: "", peer: {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 65535, 44063, 6462}, 37060}, method: "GET", qs: "_csrf_token=FQJ-CHkAYWVEDy5BejkzQhItNCouEx43ERGNMF55sKcqWQQtzDehxJSP&"}, {Phoenix.LiveView.Socket, %{}, {%{channels: %{}, channels_inverse: %{}}, %Phoenix.Socket{assigns: %{}, channel: nil, channel_pid: nil, endpoint: AppWeb.Endpoint, handler: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket, id: "users_sessions:n66qO3JS6Pqw7v2Bcx6iwnQYTasR4SwhP8tDgaNs9cg=", joined: false, join_ref: nil, private: %{connect_info: %{session: %{"_csrf_token" => "PP9F4FTP7DM0-hb6hiQBVYMg", "live_socket_id" => "users_sessions:n66qO3JS6Pqw7v2Bcx6iwnQYTasR4SwhP8tDgaNs9cg=", "user_token" => <<159, 174, 170, 59, 114, 82, 232, 250, 176, 238, 253, 129, 115, 30, 162, 194, 116, 24, 77, 171, 17, 225, ...>>}}}, pubsub_server: [adapter: Phoenix.PubSub.Redis, name: App.PubSub, node_name: "node-0qw2do37A_U=", url: "redis://", ssl: true], ref: nil, serializer: Phoenix.Socket.V2.JSONSerializer, topic: nil, transport: :websocket, transport_pid: nil}}}], [file: ~c"lib/websock_adapter/cowboy_adapter.ex", line: 52]}, {:cowboy_websocket, :handler_call, 6, [file: ~c"/app/deps/cowboy/src/cowboy_websocket.erl", line: 564]}, {:cowboy_http, :loop, 1, [file: ~c"/app/deps/cowboy/src/cowboy_http.erl", line: 253]}, {:proc_lib, :init_p_do_apply, 3, [file: ~c"proc_lib.erl", line: 241]}]}

Formatting that message helps make it understandable:

        {:crash, :error, :function_clause},
          port: 80,
          scheme: "http",
          version: :"HTTP/1.1",
          path: "/live/websocket",
          host: "",
          peer: {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 65535, 44063, 6462}, 37060},
          method: "GET",
          qs: "_csrf_token=FQJ-CHkAYWVEDy5BejkzQhItNCouEx43ERGNMF55sKcqWQQtzDehxJSP&"
            %{channels: %{}, channels_inverse: %{}},
              assigns: %{},
              channel: nil,
              channel_pid: nil,
              endpoint: AppWeb.Endpoint,
              handler: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket,
              id: "users_sessions:n66qO3JS6Pqw7v2Bcx6iwnQYTasR4SwhP8tDgaNs9cg=",
              joined: false,
              join_ref: nil,
              private: %{
                connect_info: %{
                  session: %{
                    "_csrf_token" => "PP9F4FTP7DM0-hb6hiQBVYMg",
                    "live_socket_id" => "users_sessions:n66qO3JS6Pqw7v2Bcx6iwnQYTasR4SwhP8tDgaNs9cg=",
                    "user_token" => <<159, 174, 170, 59, 114, 82, 232, 250, 176, 238, 253, 129, 115, 30, 162, 194, 116, 24, 77, 171, 17, 225, ...>>
              pubsub_server: [
                adapter: Phoenix.PubSub.Redis,
                name: App.PubSub,
                node_name: "node-0qw2do37A_U=",
                url: "redis://",
                ssl: true
              ref: nil,
              serializer: Phoenix.Socket.V2.JSONSerializer,
              topic: nil,
              transport: :websocket,
              transport_pid: nil
      [file: ~c"lib/websock_adapter/cowboy_adapter.ex", line: 52]
    {:cowboy_websocket, :handler_call, 6, [file: ~c"/app/deps/cowboy/src/cowboy_websocket.erl", line: 564]},
    {:cowboy_http, :loop, 1, [file: ~c"/app/deps/cowboy/src/cowboy_http.erl", line: 253]},
    {:proc_lib, :init_p_do_apply, 3, [file: ~c"proc_lib.erl", line: 241]}

This tells us some things:

  • the ultimate cause of the exit was a function_clause error in lib/websock_adapter/cowboy_adapter.ex:52

  • This error happened because WebSockAdapter.CowboyAdapter.terminate/3 only expects 2-tuples in the final argument, but the caller passed a 3-tuple shaped like {Phoenix.LiveView.Socket, %{}, {%{channels: ...}, %Phoenix.Socket{}}}

    The first element of that tuple is a handler like the module expects.

    The third element is a {state, socket} pair like would be expected with Phoenix.Socket

    The second element is ???, and it’s going to be tricky to find where it came from

  • however, this isn’t the root cause - the process was trying to call terminate/3 because something else crashed with a function_clause_error. Any noises in the logs before the message you posted?

My suspicion is a cascading error like this:

  • something messed up the socket GenServer’s state from {handler, state} to {handler, what_the_heck, state}
  • that caused the next function call dispatched against that server to fail to match (the first function_clause_error)
  • that made the socket try to shut down, which then ALSO failed to match in terminate/3 (the second function_clause_error)

Thank you! Do you know why it would be happening only after the user is authenticated? On the anonymous views I have, there doesn’t seem to be a problem. Seems like it’s crashing after the phx_join message, before it can respond.

What are you doing in the channel that may cause it to crash?

There’s nothing custom actually. The only thing non-default I can think of off the bat is that I’m using the Redis adapter for PubSub.

Can you show the code?

Sure, here’s the endpoint configuration in runtime.ex. As far as I can think at this point, there’s nothing else relating to sockets, pubsub, or presence in the app.

pubsub_server: [
  adapter: Phoenix.PubSub.Redis,
  name: App.PubSub,
  node_name: "node-#{node_indentifier}",
  url: redis_url,
  ssl: true

Sorry, I was confused for a moment and thought it was an issue with channels.

I have never used the Redis adapter, nor have I needed to.

It works if you restore it to the original configuration?

May I ask though why you are using Redis?
You do not need it for PubSub to work.
And if you are worried about clustering, it is easy
I wrote a post about it sometime back.