New Nerves System release and DockerHub/GHCR change

We are thrilled to announce another update for Nerves Systems to nerves_system_br 1.22.5-based releases. Nerves systems are the device support packages for Nerves and this announcement pertains to officially supported boards. It’s a patch release so it includes the normal security and bug fixes we pass through from Buildroot, Erlang, and some other packages. See nerves_system_br v1.22.5 for details and links to other changelogs.

This release contains one very visible change for those of you using our nerves_system_br Docker image for building applications or systems of your own.

We switched from posting images on DockerHub to GitHub Packages. The TL;DR is that we thought we needed to switch, made the switch, then found out we didn’t need to, and decided to not switch back.

Please note that this change does not affect any previous releases. Those will continue to be served from DockerHub to avoid breaking existing projects. You can upgrade when ready.

Upgrading to the new v1.22.5 Docker image is easy! Find the following in your CI configuration or where ever you use the image:


and change it to:

That’s it!