New phoenix_live_view 0.10.0 v. is not updating/handling events

Hello, I’ve been using phoenix till 0.4.0 recently I added new phoenix_live_view 0.10.0 v. to my new project.
The docs was different from the old live view.
I had no problem in setting it up.
But after setting it up, i’m having an issue with updating the view. Can someone help me with what’s going on ?

Heres an link to github repo… any slightest help will be really helpful for me…

I’ve only checked your router and you’re missing the put_root_layout plug + @inner_content in app.html. Follow the changes you need to do in the CHANGELOG.

# router.ex
+ plug :put_root_layout, {TaskAppWeb.LayoutView, :app}
# app.html
- <%= render @view_module, @view_template, assigns %>
+ <%= @inner_content %>
# thermo_stat_live.ex
- <div phx-keydown="keydown" phx-target="window">
+ <div phx-window-keydown="keydown">

After the above changes, everything works.


Thank you for all the great work you are doing helping people use LiveView, both here and in the issues tracker. This is a huge help and we really appreciate it.


sorry for the late reply. yes, it was an mistake from my side. I didn’t check the change logs properly.

I figured out the mistake hour after posting this question. Sorry and thanks alot, it’ll be really helpful for the other newbies like me.

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