I’m new to Elixir and just recently completed “Elixir for Programmers” by pragdave.
I thought creating tic tac toe in Elixir would be a good next step for me to continue my learning.
I’ve created the logic for the tic tac toe game and was wondering if anyone would mind reviewing it and providing me with feedback?
The meat of the code starts from here:
A couple of things I’d like to see if can be improved:
Can you update multiple values in a map better than the way I do it here: elixir_tictactoe/lib/tictactoe/game.ex at master · bmitch/elixir_tictactoe · GitHub
Is there a more condensed way to write this guard on the function?
elixir_tictactoe/lib/tictactoe/board_checker.ex at master · bmitch/elixir_tictactoe · GitHub
Thanks very much!