New to Phoenix, need some help please! (form_for @conn VS form_for @changeset)

Hi All!

I’m new to Phoenix and Elixir, and both of these tools are great. Previously I created websites using only PHP, and played a little bit with Ruby on Rails.
Currently I am reading the Mastering Phoenix book (free) at the writer’s website, which someone shared here in the forum.
What I’m not getting is the following;
In some cases like in registeration/new.html.eex he uses something like,
<%= form_for @changeset, registration_path(@conn, :create), [as: :registration, id: "registration-form"], fn f -> %>

and in other cases he uses,
<%= form_for @conn, session_path(@conn, :create), [as: :session, id: "session-form"], fn f -> %>

Why in one place he uses <%= form_for @changeset and in another place he uses <%= form_for @conn ?

Note, I know the idea of changeset and conn upto some extent.

Thank you in advance!, and I’m sorry if this question sounds stupid!

:wave: might be relevant.

The author probably uses changesets when there exists some underlying entity for the action, like a new user for the registration form. And conn where there isn’t one, or it is relatively ephemeral, like a session for the login action.

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Welcome to the forum!

The why is entirely dependent on the specifics of the application.

The mechanism by which this is possible is easier to explain:

Phoenix.HTML.form_for/4 relies on the “Phoenix.HTML.FormDataprotocol.

For changesets Phoenix implements the protocol via phoenix_ecto:

For Plug.Conn it is implemented right in phoenix_html:

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Welcome to the Elixir community!

On the page where the login form’s template is displayed, he mentions as,

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