I am just getting started with Elixir, Ash etc., so most likely I am missing some configuration or step here. I tried to go through the docs and code but have no luck so far.
When trying to generate a resource(s) from an existing postgres db/schema, I get the following output:
mix ash_postgres.gen.resources CfncApp.App --tables auditlog --snapshots-only
Compiling 1 file (.ex)
Generated cfnc_app app
No proposed content changes!
Igniter - Warnings:
* No ecto repos configured.
But I have the following configuration:
config :cfnc_app, ecto_repos: [CfncApp.Repo]
What am I missing or doing wrong?
add -r CfncApp.Repo and you’re good
Thanks @olivermt . Is this something that needs document update or I was missing some configuration or defaults?
That did move further, but see the following error:
** (UndefinedFunctionError) function CfcnApp.Repo.config/0 is undefined (module CfcnApp.Repo is not available)
I do have the configuration in dev.exs:
config :cfnc_app, CfncApp.Repo,
username: "cfnc",
password: "cfnc",
hostname: "xyz",
database: "cfnc",
show_sensitive_data_on_connection_error: true,
pool_size: 10,
Hmm…this is interesting. What happens if you do mix do compile, ash_postgres.gen.resources CfncApp.App
Awesome! That worked @zachdaniel .
I am pretty sure I did “mix compile” before the gen.resources step. Is there a difference?
Sorry if these are noob questions. It is a lot to digest for someone coming from a Java/C++ world
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Never mind @zachdaniel, I think there was some misconfiguration in my dev.exs file. The gen.resources step
step works just fine if I do everything from scratch again.
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