On-Demand processes


(Sorry, this post is kind of a mind dump, there is no precise question, just my
thoughts. I just hope it will resonate with some people here. Edit: yeah, it’s huge!)

I would like to discuss a pattern that I have found myself using quite often,
but that does not feel quite right.

From a distant point of view the pattern is to lookup for a registered process
before delivering a message, and starting the process if it was not found. Then
deliver the message.

First, let’s see the reasons why I do this, and why the pattern does not fit
very well.

Imagine we are implementing a gaming service like Board Game
. There are lots of games to play and lots
of users. A game party is called a “table” (at least in the french version that
I use), meaning the actual piece of furniture where you can play board games in
real life. Note that this duscussion is not intended to focus on gaming, there
are different use cases where the pattern could apply.

If I am not mistaking, their implementation is PHP/MySQL, meaning that each
player action leads to an execution of the PHP script and the game state is
persisted in MySQL and concurrency is handled with transactions. Imagine now
that we have so many game tables that the database is overloaded.

In Elixir there is a simple solution for that: spin up a process that will
receive the players actions and keep the game state, and have that process
persist the state regularly. Saving less often will let the database catch up.
We can lose state if the game process crashes but for now let’s say that the
code is pretty stable and handles edge cases correctly.

Doing this allows to develop quickly as you don’t actually need any database in
the begining, or at least when developing, you can just remove the persistence
layer, tell the process to stay alive until the game party ends, and the games
still work. There was a good article about this from Chris McCord IIRC but I
could not find it (if someone has the link please post it below as it is

The first problem is that with many users, all current game states cannot fit in
memory. We start our jurney by using a single, cheap server. So what we want to
do is to start the game process when there is a player action, and keep the
process around because some games will receive many players actions in a short
period of time. Then use a timeout to let the process terminate when no more
action is received for a couple seconds.

Now, how to do that? The pattern is a bit convoluted but conceptually simple.

First, we need a way to identify a game table process, that also allows to start
it, so we need an ID and the game type. We will use a game_ref function that
wraps the type/ID as a single value, and a via function that returns a via

Now, when sending a message to the process we can use a function like this. Our
process runs code that is able to reply to GenServer.call/3.

def game_ref(game_type, game_id) do
  {game_type, game_id}

def player_action(gref, action) do
  call(gref, {:player_action, action})

def call(gref, msg) do
  with {:ok, pid} <- fetch_process(gref) do
    GenServer.call(pid, msg)

def via(gref) do
  # ...

defp fetch_process({game_type, game_id} = gref) do
  child_spec = {__MODULE__, game_type: game_type, id: game_id, name: via(gref)}
  case MyGameSupervisor.start_child(child_spec) do
    {:ok, pid} -> {:ok, pid}
    {:error, {:already_started, pid}} -> {:ok, pid}
    {:error, _} = err -> err

On initialization, the game process will load the state from the persistence
layer with the game ID. When creating a game, the initial state is written to
the database before starting the process first to handle game initialization ;
i.e. the INSERT is not done from the process, and when initializing there
will always be an existing state in database (or the game does not exist, which
is a genuine exception).

To allow the process to terminate, we will return timeout from handle_call/3.
In this exemple the timeout can be decided from state (depending on what game we
play). The problem is that while terminating, the process can still receive new
messages, so we do not “save and quit”. We save, and a return a zero timeout to
be able to handle more messages. The hypothetical handle_action/2 function
marks the state as not-persisted.

def handle_call({:player_action, action}, _, state) do
  state = handle_action(state, action)
  {:reply, :ok, state, timeout(state)}

def handle_info(:timeout, state) do
  if game_is_persisted?(state) do
    {:stop, {:shutdown, :server_timeout}, state}
    state = persist_state(state)
    {:noreply, state, 0}

Finally, there is a race condition where we would want to deliver a message
while the process is terminating. That is because depending on what is used for
registration, we can fetch the pid right before the process will stop with
{:shutdown, :server_timeout}, or right after it has stopped but not yet
unregistered. (We can unregister explicitly but that does not fix the race

So we rewrite our call function to handle
that case:

def call(gref, msg) do
  pid = fetch_process(gref)
  GenServer.call(pid, msg)
  :exit, {{:shutdown, :server_timeout}, _} -> call(gref, msg)
  :exit, {:noproc, _}                      -> call(gref, msg)

That works well in many cases and has some pros.

  • On a single hardware server, there is no need to manage database transactions,
    as all calls to a single game are serialized to the game process. That allows
    to use different persistence layers depending on the use case. (Again, this is
    not a topic about game servers specifically).
  • Once the call/2 function is written, handling edge cases and limiting the
    recursion on too many errors, the rest of the code can be written as if there
    is always a spinning server for any game table. That is very valuable to me.

Now, why use a process for this? Why not just use a short-lived cache for game
state and just apply the game state changes directly from the calling process
(for instance, a Phoenix controller or socket channel process)? Here are the

  • We want the application to be able to run code on it’s own, after the
    calling process is done. For instance, in a game, you want to deliver a player
    action and reply OK fast, but then the game logic can start timers, run IA
    moves. On a payment solution you want to return “I am processing” to the
    caller but then call a couple microservices to handle stuff, etc.
  • Keeping the state around in a process prevents too much copying between the
    caller and the game process : only the action is copied. If the calling
    process would run the game actions, we would have to copy the state to it
  • We may need to wait a message from an external source (let’s say a global
    timer service that syncrhonizes games in a tournament), so you need a pid,
    basically. We cannot use the pid of a Phoenix request for that as it is short

Finally, let’s see some cons of the pattern:

  • Depending on the timeout duration, and the load (number of interacting users),
    we may end up with all processes running constantly, as if they were not
    transient but persistent, which make the pattern useless.
  • Removing the pattern and using cache will still have all games states in
    memory, so we need a cache cleanup and handle concurrency at the cache level.
  • It works on a single machine. If we want to write a distributed application,
    we will have to use global registration for the :via tuples. So we have to
    use global, gproc, or Horde. It can work but it comes with problems:
    sync latency, passing the players requests from node to nodes if the load
    balancer does not direct a request to the same node where the game process is
    running, and of course netsplits.
  • With netsplits, we will have to use global locking, or database transactions,
    or at least optimistic writes. And that means loading the game state from the
    persistence layer before running every action, and either running the game
    logic in a transaction or ensuring that the state was not modified from
    elsewhere when writing (e.g. comparing a interation count). In that case the
    pattern adds burden but does not solve anything. We can do the same from the
    calling process (Phoenix request), or just start a supervised Task if we
    need to continue processing after the request is served.
  • Calling start_link before each call just to check if the server is running
    does not feel right. It’s slower, and the supervisor can be a bottleneck (the
    recent PartitionSupervisor is a neat addition but it also adds a layer of
    indirection when we want to use DynamicSupervisor underneath). We can
    reverse the logic by passing the via tuple to call, catching :noproc and
    only then call start_child on our supervisor but it requires to extract the
    data to create the child spec from the via tuple ; that is not always possible
    or just adds burden to the registration system.

So I see two actual use cases here.

First, with a persistence layer and concurrency problems.

  • One solution is to embrace database transactions, and just run whatever code
    is needed from the calling process direcly or from a supervised task.
  • One other is to balance the load with a hash system that will ensure that all
    external events are sent to a specific node. This is external to the BEAM
    runtime and requires parsing the event to know which node to use (hopefully
    just parsing a URL segment for an ID). Within the BEAM, the same hash
    algorithm can be used to start processes on the right node. Both of these
    requirements needs a static set of named nodes.

The other use case is when the requirements are not about the state and
persistence, but the need for an actual process. For instance we have a data
processing pipeline tool that let users send many requests to our service (let’s
say 100). But the users, depending on their plan, can only run 10 pipelines
concurrently, for instance. So pipeline requests are stored. We allow to send a
single HTTP request to register several works to avoid doing 100 HTTP requests
in a row, but the “jobs” are executed one by one.

When a request (or a batch of requests) is stored, we must check if there is a
running process for that user that will pull from the available jobs, if not
start it, and then that process will pull from the batch and supervise a
fixed-size set of workers (10) to run the batch. (That “process” is more likely
to be a controller, a worker supervisor, a feeder, that is a “group” but not
“group” as in pg/pg2. It can also be a GenStage pipeline). If another batch is
created, we do not want to start a duplicate process group for the same user,
just ensure that it is started and consequently will pull work from the stored
requests. The group will exit after a while when there is no more work to do,
thanks to the significant children feature. So basically those are queues, but
with concurrency defined at the queue level and we do not want to have the
queues running 27/7 just to handle a couple batches once in a while.

In that case the pattern works. There is still ID-to-node hashing required when
distributed though, and the call / catch exit pattern still feels risky in some

To sum up I would say that the pattern described here always seems to me a good
solution in the beginning, kind of a silver bullet, but when digging in the
requirements and the different problems to handle it very rarely ends up to be
right solution. Handling persistent or temporary processes is easy with OTP but
I feel tools are lacking (or my knowledge is lacking of course) regarding the
architecture of transient, identified workloads.

Thanks for reading, any thoughs are appreciated !

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Define “many users”. Elixir processes are quite cheap, and in fact each HTTP request is separate process in Elixir, each WS connection is process. Having process for each game shouldn’t be much of a problem.

I would make the timeout long enough that it shouldn’t be a problem. Make it 4h for example. If in 3h no-one made any interaction with a game they probably already lost interest or died.

Hey thanks :slight_smile:

“many” to me means “too many to keep all states in memory at the same time”. This is also why I thought timeouts to be rather short, more in seconds than in hours, so memory is freed quickly.

I know that Phoenix requests are requests, that is what I call the “calling process” in my post. But they are very short lived, there aren’t too many at the same time. On the other hand when a user use such request to spawn work in the system, that work may take time, and can accumulate quickly. This is why I try to free resources as soon as possible.

Now it’s true that an empty supervisor dedicated to tasks spawned by one user does not take much. But imagine you have 10K users, doesn’t having 10k empty supervisors running for nothing feel useless?

Not at all. That’s exactly the big benefit to cheap processes. You don’t need to “optimize” a good design for constraints in number of processes. A idle process is a few KB of RAM. For most devices even a lot of them is hardly a dent in their ram utilization.


I agree that can have a small footprint depending on the use case. So you would start all those processes at the app startup, and then consider them to exist.

I guess that works for a fixed set of processes that can reduce to a minimal state at some point. For things such as games the number of games is infinite (though finished tables can be shut down) and larger state I am not sure.

You could flush the game state to disk when idle, but leave the process running. Though if the pressure to do so is so high you want to do it within seconds I’d wonder if paying for a bigger machine is not more reasonable.

Sure, better hardware is always good! I would not say that the pressure is high. It’s just that for whatever thing the application is doing, there is a reasonable time to expect new requests. For a shopping cart let’s say ten minutes, for a game it depends on the rules but it can be precisely know generally. There is no reason to keep stuff alive beyond that time.

But I see you clearly are on the “let everything alive” side. It’s true that it is better as it is more simple. It would be possible to monitor resources globally and shut down processes from outside when reaching a specific limit.

Yeah, that would be my suggestion too, you can flush your process state to the database when you get the timeout in handle_info and then hibernate the process so it uses as few resources as possible.

Then, when you get a new message, you just need to check if the state is there and if it isn’t you load It again.


I’m not certain it is right - IIRC there’s a brief window during GenServer shutdown between “the process has decided to stop” and “the process has deregistered its name”, so calling start_link could give you {:error, {:already_started, PID_that_is_about_to_exit}} which will fail in GenServer.call.

Yes but that is why our custom call also catches :noproc and :server_timeout exits!

Finally, there is a race condition where we would want to deliver a message
while the process is terminating. That is because depending on what is used for
registration, we can fetch the pid right before the process will stop with
{:shutdown, :server_timeout}, or right after it has stopped but not yet
unregistered. (We can unregister explicitly but that does not fix the race

def call(gref, msg) do
  pid = fetch_process(gref)
  GenServer.call(pid, msg)
  :exit, {{:shutdown, :server_timeout}, _} -> call(gref, msg)
  :exit, {:noproc, _}                      -> call(gref, msg)

The function is recursive (and I did not add max attempts concerns in that example).

I’ve dome something similar too. As long as you have some safety valves (such as :max_children) and error handling in place, production should be fine with it.