Leverage Open Api 3.0 (Swagger) to document, test, validate and explore your Plug and Phoenix APIs.
- Generate and serve a JSON Open API (swagger) document from your code
- Use the spec to cast request params to well defined schema structs
- Validate params against schemas, eliminate bad requests before they hit your controllers
- Validate responses against schemas in tests, ensuring your docs are accurate and reliable
- Explore the API interactively with with SwaggerUI
Github: https://github.com/mbuhot/open_api_spex
Docs: https://hexdocs.pm/open_api_spex/
Hex: https://hex.pm/packages/open_api_spex
Integrating with phoenix controllers:
@spec open_api_operation(atom) :: Operation.t
def open_api_operation(action), do: apply(__MODULE__, :"#{action}_operation", [])
@spec show_operation() :: Operation.t
def show_operation() do
tags: ["users"],
summary: "Show user",
description: "Show a user by ID",
operationId: "UserController.show",
parameters: [
Operation.parameter(:id, :path, :integer, "User ID", example: 123)
responses: %{
200 => Operation.response("User", "application/json", UserResponse)
def show(conn, %{"id" => id}) do
{:ok, user} = MyApp.Users.find_by_id(id)
json(conn, 200, user)
Cast and validate params:
plug OpenApiSpex.Plug.Cast
plug OpenApiSpex.Plug.Validate
def open_api_operation(action) do
apply(__MODULE__, :"#{action}_operation", [])
def create_operation do
import Operation
tags: ["users"],
summary: "Create user",
description: "Create a user",
operationId: "UserController.create",
parameters: [],
requestBody: request_body("The user attributes", "application/json", UserRequest),
responses: %{
201 => response("User", "application/json", UserResponse)
def create(conn, request = %UserRequest{user: %User{name: name, email: email, birthday: birthday = %Date{}}}) do