Opinions on License To Open Source a Web App

I helped to introduce Elixir at Vonage and now I’d like to work towards open-sourcing two general purpose web apps that got developed. I was curious about folks opinions on what license they’d recommend for this type of thing and why? I see lots of MIT and Apache 2.0 licenses for Elixir libraries. I just don’t know enough about this to choose one over another.

Brief details on the two apps. Both are operations focused tools. The first is AWS-centric. It gathers lots of AWS related details (instances, load balancer, security groups, volumes, instance maintenance events) and stores them in a Postgres db. It allows some higher level management stuff (like CloudWatch alarms) that has been helpful for us. The other app is a Postmortem tool that allows capturing details on production incidents, tracking followup items, that sort of thing.




Cool. Thanks. I’m thinking the MIT license works fine for this.