I have a system which I need to feed data into and maintain. Currently I have a GenServer that communicates with an ETS table and inserts items into the table. As part of this I have a FIFO erlang queue, when an item is added to the ETS table I am pushing it to the queue to be consumed from elsewhere.
For some reason the ordering of the items in the ETS and Queue are different and I cannot work out why. This is the code I am using to push the item into the ETS table and Queue.
with :ok <- Queue.add(job), true <- :ets.insert(table, {id, job}) do
PubSub.broadcast!(BrokerEx.PubSub, @topic, {:added, job})
When I dump the contents of the table and the queue they are not the same. The Queue
in this context is a simple GenServer
that manipulates Erlangs built in queue module.
Where am I going wrong?