Paging Mnesia Tables - how to get the next part of data?

Hi, I’m new to Elixir and I’m trying to learn more about elixir by creating a relational database in elixir. I’m using the :mnesia-select/4 function to see if I can page my data in elixir from the Mnesia table. I am using the following

 def paging(match_spec, page_size) do
    {_atom, {data, cont}} =
      :mnesia.transaction(fn ->, match_spec, page_size, :none)

    result = Mnesia.Table.Query.decode_paging_data(data)

The problem I am facing is that every time I run the function, I get the same data. What I want to do is every time I run this function, I get the next part of the data.

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Per the docs, you’ll notice that there is an unused variable you are getting back: cont.

The cont is to be used as an argument to, if more or all answers are needed.

As you are not using this to “continue” your pagination, you are simply getting the first page every time. Notice that gives you a new cont, and if you pass that in, you get the next “page”—repeat until it returns :"$end_of_table" instead.

A complete solution would need to work together with two functions: one to start the pagination, and another to continue it. An :ets example:

defmodule Pagination do
  @spec start_pagination(
        ) :: {[tuple()], :ets.select_continuation()} | nil
  @doc """
  Starts paginating objects returned by a `match_spec` applied to a `table`.

  If the table is empty, returns `nil`.
  Otherwise, returns the first page with at most `per_page` objects,
  and a continuation to get the `next_page/1`.
  def start_pagination(table, match_spec, per_page) do
    case, match_spec, per_page) do
      {page, continuation} ->
        {page, continuation}

      :"$end_of_table" ->

  @spec next_page(:ets.select_continuation()) ::
          {[tuple()], :ets.select_continuation()} | nil
  @doc """
  Continues paginating objects from a `continuation` returned by `start_pagination/3`.

  If the table is empty, returns `nil`.
  Otherwise, returns the next page with at most `per_page` objects,
  and a continuation to get the `next_page/1`.
  def next_page(continuation) do
    case do
      {page, continuation} ->
        {page, continuation}

      :"$end_of_table" ->

This is similar to “cursor-based” pagination in SQL land, with many of the same caveats.

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In my example above, I chose to return {page, continuation} or nil here, as they fit nicely into the Stream APIs. This allows you to build higher-level APIs, and hide the continuation as an accumulator in Stream.resource/3, letting you do things like:

defmodule Pagination.Stream do
  @spec pages(
        ) :: Enumerable.t()
  @doc """
  Produces a lazy `Stream` of (at most) `page_size`-length lists of objects
  returned by a `match_spec` applied to a `table`.
  def pages(table, match_spec, per_page) do
    not_started = make_ref()

        ^not_started -> Pagination.start_pagination(table, match_spec, per_page)
        continuation -> Pagination.next_page(continuation)

  @spec objects(
        ) :: Enumerable.t()
  @doc """
  Produces a lazy `Stream` of objects returned by a `match_spec` applied to a `table`,
  loaded into memory in `page_size` chunks.
  def objects(table, match_spec, per_page) do
    pages(table, match_spec, per_page) |> Stream.flat_map(&Function.identity/1)

This lets you do things like

Pagination.Stream.pages(table, match_spec, page_size) |> Enum.take(2)

to get the first two pages, or

Pagination.Stream.objects(table, match_spec, page_size) |> Enum.take(100)

to get the first 100 objects, regardless of page_size, but using the pagination mechanism under the hood to limit the number of objects loaded out of :ets at any point in time.


Thank you @christhekeele, I see my error, It seems rather straightforward from here.

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This is my function

  def get(_role) do
    match_pattern =
      {MishkaAuth.User.Users, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :"$9", :_, :_, :_, :_, :_}

    guard = []
    result_fun = [:"$$"]
    # Number of records to fetch
    limit = 1

    :mnesia.transaction(fn ->
      case, [{match_pattern, guard, result_fun}], limit, :read) do
        {matches, cont} when is_list(matches) and matches != [] ->
          # Handle the fetched matches and the continuation for potential future use
          {:ok, matches, cont}

        _ ->
          # Handle the case where no matches are found or an error occurs
          {:error, :no_matches}

When I call it like this

{:atomic, {:ok, matches, cont}} = MishkaAuth.User.Users.get :role

and put the cont into this

:mnesia.transaction(fn -> end)

I got this error

{:aborted, :wrong_transaction}

I just want to show next page and every page show 1 record

Could you help me in this Thanks


In a transaction, if I do it, it goes to the next page, but the problem is that the user may want the results and then click again.
So, every time the user requests, I have to create a transaction from the beginning and run it 4 times to reach page 4?
Not a good way to paginate?

for example:

{_record, cont} =
      :mnesia.activity(:async_dirty, fn ->, [{match_pattern, guard, result_fun}], limit, :read)

    :mnesia.activity(:async_dirty, fn -> end)

if I need to go page 4, I need to do something like this, it is an abstraction

{_record, cont} =
      :mnesia.activity(:async_dirty, fn ->, [{match_pattern, guard, result_fun}], limit, :read)

{_record, cont1} = :mnesia.activity(:async_dirty, fn -> end)
{_record, cont2} = :mnesia.activity(:async_dirty, fn -> end)
{_record, cont3} = :mnesia.activity(:async_dirty, fn -> end)

It is just useful for Infinite Scroll, not Numerical pagination

This isn’t a Mnesia problem, it’s a general problem when paginating with limit + offset.

Asking a SQL database for OFFSET 1000000 LIMIT 10 is going to need to do a lot of work for those ten rows, it’s just not work that has to be written explicitly.

The alternatives are similar as well:

  • rely on a persistent “cursor” in the DB, like select’s continuation. Can be tricky to keep the relevant parts running if clients disconnect, and may hold locks too long.

  • paginate based on attributes of the record. For instance, searching for id > THE_LAST_ID_SEEN when id is an autoincrementing key. This makes page 1000 cost the same as page 1 (compared to the offset method) but only if you’re also accessing pages 1…999 first.


There is a Mnesia-specific concern here: the “limit” passed to select isn’t strictly enforced. From the docs:

For efficiency, NObjects is a recommendation only and the result can contain anything from an empty list to all available results.

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Thank you.

Would you mind explaining or giving example code about it, please? unfortunately I could not understand

Thank you in advance. I just need some way to have good performance and less resource usage. please give me suggestion

When I made my previous post, I was thinking something like this:

defmodule MnesiaCursorDontUse do
  defstruct :tab, :match_pattern, :guard, :result_fun, :limit

  def start(tab, match_pattern, guard, result_fun, limit) do
    spawn(__MODULE__, :run_loop, [%__MODULE__{
      tab: tab,
      match_patten: match_pattern,
      guard: guard,
      result_fun: result_fun,
      limit: limit

  def run_loop(state) do
    :mnesia.activity(:async_dirty, fn ->
      # do not do this, see discussion below

  defp loop(state, cont \\ nil) do
    # seriously do not do this
    receive do
      {:next_page, {pid, ref}} ->
        {result, new_cont} = 
          if cont do
  , [{state.match_pattern, state.guard, state.result_fun}], state.limit, :read)

        if result == :"$end_of_table" do
          send(pid, {:mnesia_cursor, ref, []})
          send(pid, {:mnesia_cursor, ref, result})

          loop(state, new_cont)

Basically, you’d start one of these up and then send it :next_page messages to iterate through the whole Mnesia table.


Looking at things harder, select takes a read lock - so any attempts to write to the Mnesia table will block while a MnesiaCursorDontUse is alive. That’s the “may hold locks too long” that I referenced as a downside in my original post.

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