Pause Oban Pro Workflow?

Is it possible to pause a Workflow then continue it at a later time? For example, we’d like to start a Workflow with several Jobs, but want to put it into a suspended/paused state until some external event occurs (like a webhook), which would satisfy the dependency and resume the rest of the workflow. Been looking through the docs, and haven’t seen anything, so just wanting to rule out whether or not it’s possible. Thanks!

Doesn’t appeding jobs to a workflow solve your issue?

You can create a workflow with all the jobs that doesn’t rely on the webhook.
When the webhook happens, you can append the jobs that depend on the webhook and include their dependency on other jobs.
This way you never need to worry about the “state” of the jobs in that workflow, Oban takes care of the dependencies after you append the new jobs.

Thanks @cevado, I do think that could work, but I was hoping to be able to define the whole Workflow up front (in a single place) as opposed to having that logic in two different places.

It seems like we may need to have a job in the middle that essentially checks for a condition and snoozes itself itself if that condition hasn’t been fulfilled.

you can make the code that append the jobs as a public function in the workflow module. this way you keep all the data about the workflow in the workflow module without needing to create a job that starves the queue/workers without a good reason.
you could even use the meta option of a job to add some internal identifiers that makes it easier to find the workflow when the webhook happens.

@jdellitt Did you ever figure this out by any chance?

No, unfortunately. I think we ended up going in a different direction altogether.

As alluded earlier in this thread, the way we usually suggest doing this is to have the job you’d like to pause snooze itself in a loop, with a limit to prevent unbounded retries. Here’s an example:

defmodule MyApp.PausedWorker do
  use Oban.Pro.Worker

  @impl Oban.Pro.Worker
  def process(job) do
    if some_external_event(job.args) do
      # do something here
      {:snooze, 60}

You can optionally use unique and replace to upsert the snoozing job to run immediately, but it requires carefully setting the workflow_id:

  use Oban.Pro.Worker,
    unique: [meta: [:workflow_id, :name]],
    replace: [scheduled: [:scheduled_at]]

This question comes up rather frequently though, and a proper Oban.Pro.Workflow.pause/1 and Oban.Pro.Workflow.resume/1 seem warranted :thinking: