when trying to manually render a liveview for subsequent pdf print I get
an error when a live component is in the liveview render template
using this
|> LiveViewModule.render()
|> Phoenix.HTML.Safe.to_iodata()
|> to_string()
with assign_map containing all necessary assigns for the live view
with a liveview with render function containing another live component like
<.other_live_component …>
the error message is
** (ArgumentError) cannot convert component OtheLiveComponent with id 116158 to HTML.
A component must always be returned directly as part of a LiveView template.
For example, this is not allowed:
<%= content_tag :div do %>
<.live_component module={SomeComponent} id="myid" />
<% end %>
That’s because the component is inside content_tag
. However, this works:
<.live_component module={SomeComponent} id="myid" />
Components are also allowed inside Elixir’s special forms, such as
, for
, case
, and friends.
<%= for item <- items do %>
<.live_component module={SomeComponent} id={item} />
<% end %>
However, using other module functions such as Enum
, will not work:
<%= Enum.map(items, fn item -> %>
<.live_component module={SomeComponent} id={item} />
<% end %>
Now if I call directly Other_live_component, it works ok.
I’m not in any of the cases excluded by error message explanation