Peter Mueller - sr/staff/principal w/ 6 yr. in production Elixir, 8 total

Hi, I’m Peter Mueller.
I’m in the United States, specifically Ohio, and prefer to work remotely, but would relocate to parts of Michigan, or Europe, but am not opposed to elsewhere (depends, let me know :slightly_smiling_face: ).

I have 8 years of experience as a software developer, 6-7 years of which have been writing production Elixir for startups and large businesses alike.

I’m currently the Principal Software Engineer, and most senior technical member of a 50-employee healthcare startup, writing Elixir.

Elixir project highlights:

  • built a high volume persistent event processing platform and clustered broker in Elixir, usable with any language
  • built a clustered no-code reusable workflow platform for a healthcare iPaaS. Think n8n, or a much more powerful Zapier
  • led a company’s engineering dept through adoption and re-platforming to Elixir for their REST APIs and async jobs, along with heavy use of LiveView/Surface for nearly all non-mobile UX

Elixir - 6-7 yrs
Ruby - 4 yrs
JavaScript - 7 yrs
Rust & Go - 3 months each :smile:

Expertise and Skills:

  • Sane, achievable, and maintainable architecture and infrastructure design
  • Engineering Leadership
  • Product management
  • DevOps and Infrastructure (GCP & AWS)
  • Telling C-levels “no” in ways they agree with
  • … wearing lots of hats

GitHub: petermueller (Peter Mueller) · GitHub
LinkedIn: Peter Mueller - Principal Software Engineer - Prescribe FIT | LinkedIn

# ~/.iex.exs
IO.puts IO.ANSI.magenta_background() <> IO.ANSI.white() <> " ❄❄❄ All things serve the BEAM ❄❄❄ " <> IO.ANSI.reset


Had to try it immediately:


I did it as soon as I finished The Dark Tower books :smile: