Phoenix 1.7.0-rc.0 is out!

Whoo hoo! :048:

Congrats to Chris and everyone who worked on 1.7 - what an awesome release!

I did wonder whether this might be an issue - should have known you’d have already thought of it! :smiley:

This is great! I’ve been itching to move to a new css framework as Foundation has been showing its age for a while now - glad you made the decision for me!

That was really nice of them and honestly makes me want to use Tailwind more. Thank you to the Tailwind team for getting involved and for your support of Phoenix :orange_heart:

Btw if anyone is interested we will probably run a Modern CSS with Tailwind book club on DT soon - PM me if interested, I should be able to get you a copy!

Thanks for all these changes and updates - I love how refined LV feels now. For anyone who hasn’t read it, Chris’s recent blog post is well worth a read if you’re interested in where many of those ideas come from and why they’re such a great fit for LV.

I hope we’ll see the Programming LiveView book (and other learning resources) updated with these changes soon, I’m sure lots of people will be eager to get stuck in! :icon_cool: