Phoenix - allow specifying project template path in

mix generates a project by scaffolding templates specified at installer/templates and I think it could be a good idea to allow passing an argument to mix which will override path where to look for templates first. Let’s say I run mix myapp --templates-path=~/phx_tpl/blog and I have the following structure in ~/phx_tpl/blog:

├── phx_single
│   ├── config
│   │   └── dev.exs
│   ├── lib
│   │   └── app_name
│   │       └── web
│   │           └── web.ex
│   └── mix.exs
├── phx_test
│   └── controllers
│       └── page_controller_test.exs
└── phx_web
    └── controllers
        └── page_controller.ex

In this case project generated would have following files being generated from custom templates:

├── config
│   ├── dev.exs
├── lib
│   └── app
│       └── web
│           └── controllers
│               └── page_controller.ex
├── mix.exs
└── test
    └── web
        └── controllers
            └── page_controller_test.exs

while the rest of the app will be generated from Phoenix default templates.
I’m very interested in what community and, particularly, Phoenix maintainers, would think about it.

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You can put custom templates in priv/templates ( )

You could also look at if you want more customization.

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Seems not quite what I’ve meant:
priv/templates can be used for overriding templates from phoenix_root/priv/templates, while I was asking about phoenix_root/installer/templates and while first is useable because you have mix task (ex.) phx.gen.html in deps/phoenix, the one comes from phx_new archive.
The second option is a bit different as well and is about writing app template from scratch, not allowing to extend how I want.
Actually, I ended up just rewriting Phoenix installer (, that works, but that feels like a big hack and that’s why I’m asking about support for Phx installer templates as an option.

Is there anything we can do today with phx new? Im looking for doing exactly the same thing. Customising the templates but it seems there is no way to do it. People are just seems to be copying the whole installer like Build your custom Phoenix generator |