Phoenix Elixir Guardian Error - (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: {:error, :secret_not_found}

New to Elixir Phoenix framework, enjoying the framework till now.

Am trying to setup auth module with guardian deps for generating access and refresh token, however I receive below error message when I call the controller to generate tokens.

config :appPhoenixServer, AppPhoenixServerWeb.Guardian,
  issuer: "appPhoenixServer",
  secret_key: "ons1dYYyQjmNEefkIB9rU0cF1aD7ejvYkAcyl9A7H+nfyKNpIMeVTHu2KZUyP9D0"
scope "/v1" do
      pipe_through :api
      post "/auth", AuthController, :auth
defmodule AppPhoenixServer.AuthToken do

  alias AppPhoenixServer.Guardian

  def generate_tokens(account) do
    {:ok, access_token, _claims} = Guardian.encode_and_sign(account, %{}, token_type: :access)
    {:ok, refresh_token, _claims} = Guardian.encode_and_sign(account, %{}, token_type: :refresh)

      access_token: access_token,
      refresh_token: refresh_token

Error I receive when I call the controller class

[error] ** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: {:error, :secret_not_found}
    (appPhoenixServer 0.1.0) lib/appPhoenixServer/auth_token.ex:7: AppServer.AuthToken.generate_tokens/1

Are you sure the module in your config is correct? Shouldn’t it be without Web?

Thanks, was following articles, this worked