Phoenix Live View testing - Render a click and then render a submit

Hi all,

I have a form in a LV that has buttons that do things.

I would like, in a test, to perform:

- select button B
- render click of B
- select the form F
- render submit of F

is it possible or should I test the 2 renders independently?

Thank you

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I am trying to rephrase:

I would like to “chain” render_* calls.
AFAICT what I get back from any render_* call is just the rendered html.

What I would like to do instead is clicking some buttons and then submit the form.

Thank you

The LiveView test API is not a functional one. The view is a reference to a process acting as the client/“browser”. You can chain commands to that view even if the previous step didn’t return a new view.


Got it. Thank you

The LiveView test API is not a functional one. The view is a reference to a process acting as the client/“browser”. You can chain commands to that view even if the previous step didn’t return a new view.

That’s a nice way to put it! Would fit directly in the docs :slight_smile: