Phoenix Liveview form does not show errors on associated objects

I struggle to figure out an issue with a form validation.
I have a phoenix liveview form that containts a nested model. I render the form like this:

 <.simple_form for={@form} id="specialist_sign_up_job_form" phx-submit="submit_fields" phx-change="update">
<.inputs_for :let={adr} field={@form[:address]}>
      <.input field={adr[:county]} type="select" id="address-county" label={gettext("Judet")} options={@counties} prompt={gettext("Alegeti judetul")} phx-change="load_cities" />
      <.input field={adr[:city]} type="select" id="address-city" label={gettext("Oras")} options={@cities} prompt={gettext("Alegeti orasul")} />
       <.input field={adr[:street]} type="text" id="address-street" parent_class="md:col-span-2" class="border border-brd text-gray-500 text-sm rounded-xl focus:ring-primary-600 focus:border-primary-600 block w-full px-3 py-4" label={gettext("Adresa")} phx-debounce="400" />

     <.input id="address-id" field={adr[:id]} type="hidden" />
     <.input id="address-country" field={adr[:country]} type="hidden" value={gettext("Romania")} />
     <.input id="address-lat" field={adr[:lat]} type="hidden" />
     <.input id="address-lng" field={adr[:lng]} type="hidden" />

My model

defmodule Recenza.Models.Specialist do
schema "specialists" do
    belongs_to(:address, Address, foreign_key: :address_id)

def job_data_changeset(specialist, attrs, validate_required \\ true) do
    ch =
      |> cast(attrs, @job_allowed_fields)
      |> maybe_validate_required_company(specialist)

    if validate_required do
      |> cast_assoc(:address, required: true)
      |> put_assoc(:speciality, parse_speciality(attrs), required: true)
      |> validate_required(@job_required_fields)
      |> geolocate_address()
      |> cast_assoc(:address)
      |> put_assoc(:speciality, parse_speciality(attrs))

and the association model

defmodule Recenza.Models.Address do
def changeset(address, attrs) do
    |> cast(attrs, @allowed_fields)
    |> validate_required(@required_fields)

In PhenixLiveview process I am have this code:

def handle_event("submit_fields", %{"specialist" => specialist_params}, socket) do
    user = socket.assigns.current_user
    specialist = user.specialist

    changeset = Specialist.job_data_changeset(specialist, specialist_params, true)

    case Repo.insert_or_update(changeset) do
      {:ok, specialist} ->
        socket = assign(socket, :current_user, %User{user | specialist: specialist})

         |> put_flash(:info, "specialist job data data saved")
         |> push_navigate(to: ~p"/specialist_sign_up_services")}

      {:error, changeset} ->
        {:noreply, assign(socket, :form, to_form(changeset, as: :specialist))}

I am printing in console the form after each call to server side and the form attribute looks like this:

UDATED CHANGESET: #Ecto.Changeset<
  action: :update,
  changes: %{
    address: #Ecto.Changeset<
      action: :insert,
      changes: %{country: "România"},
      errors: [
        street: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]},
        city: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]},
        county: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]}
      data: #Recenza.Models.Address<>,
      valid?: false
    employment_status: "employee",
    speciality: #Ecto.Changeset<
      action: :insert,
      changes: %{},
      errors: [
        name: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]},
        category_id: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]}
      data: #Recenza.Models.Speciality<>,
      valid?: false
  errors: [
    description: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]},
    company_name: {"Compania este necesara pentru angajati", []}
  data: #Recenza.Models.Specialist<>,
  valid?: false

As you can see there are validation errors on base model and also on the association.
The problem is that the UI does not render the errors on the address, only on specialist:

This happens every time I complete any of the field from specialist. If I do not complete any field and just try to submit the form as is I can see the errors on the address too:

I spent a lot of time trying it figure this out but I could now. Can you guys give me any hint on what I am missing??
I guess it’s something related to fact that the form does not see the nested object as changed but I am stuck at this point

I gave this a quick look. The main thing that sticks out is:

<.input id="address-id" field={adr[:id]} type="hidden" />

<.inputs_for /> takes care of this. I’m not sure what kind of effect that would have have but you definitely shouldn’t include it.

1 Like

Is there a reason you are using adr[:county] instead of This makes it pretty hard to track down potential missing map keys.

I tried to replace add.county like you said and I get this error:

 (KeyError) key :county not found in: %Phoenix.HTML.Form{source: #Ecto.Changeset<action: nil, changes: %{}, errors: [], data: #Recenza.Models.Address<>, valid?: true>, impl: Phoenix.HTML.FormData.Ecto.Changeset, id: "specialist_address_0", name: "specialist[address]", data: %Recenza.Models.Address{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:built, "addresses">, id: nil, street: nil, city: nil, zip: nil, county: nil, country: nil, lat: nil, lng: nil, specialist: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :specialist is not loaded>, inserted_at: nil, updated_at: nil}, hidden: [{"_persistent_id", "0"}], params: %{"_persistent_id" => "0"}, errors: [], options: [], index: 0, action: nil}

I used the same format as in the documentation.

I removed that hidden input for address[:id] but it does not make any difference

Hello, do you have the required fields in @required_fields ?

|> validate_required(@required_fields)

Interesting, ya I’m not sure. I notice you also have a duplicate adr[:country] going on. You also don’t need to specify an field ids manually as that is also taken care of you. That should really not make a difference but just grasping at straws here. Might need to see more code. Does it have anything to do with that validate_required check (the variable one, not the function)? In one path you’re saying address is required and in the other you are not.

I have added that param validate_required because it was validating the form even the first time it was displaying and I do not want that.
I am not sure what other code to share, I guess I shared whatever is relevant. I’ll try to debug it more

The changeset will be shown as “invalid” but that’s ok, the errors won’t show in the UI on initial render. You definitely don’t need this.

I think I found the reason for the missing errors on UI.
The model I am starting with is this one:

  __meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "specialists">,
  id: 502,
  description: nil,
  title: nil,
  facebook: nil,
  twitter: nil,
  instagram: nil,
  website: nil,
  phone: "0757220577",
  registration_date: nil,
  active: false,
  company_name: nil,
  employment_status: nil,
  rating: nil,
  reviews_count: nil,
  user_id: 1002,
  user: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :user is not loaded>,
  address_id: nil,
  address: nil,
  speciality_id: nil,
  speciality: nil,
  gallery_id: nil,
  gallery: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :gallery is not loaded>,
  reviews: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :reviews is not loaded>,
  services: [],
  inserted_at: ~N[2024-01-06 14:25:58],
  updated_at: ~N[2024-01-06 14:25:58]

As you can see the address association is empty at the moment.
The first change in the form calls “update” with these parameters:

  "address" => %{
    "_persistent_id" => "0",
    "city" => "",
    "country" => "România",
    "county" => "",
    "lat" => "",
    "lng" => "",
    "street" => ""
  "company_name" => "",
  "description" => "",
  "employment_status" => "employee",
  "facebook" => "",
  "instagram" => "",
  "phone" => "0757220577",
  "speciality" => %{
    "_persistent_id" => "0",
    "category_id" => "",
    "id" => "",
    "name" => "",
    "name_text_input" => ""
  "speciality_id" => "",
  "user_id" => "1002",
  "website" => ""

nested address comes as a new empty map.
which transforms the Specialist changeset into this:

AFTER ASSIGN: #Ecto.Changeset<
  action: nil,
  changes: %{
    address: #Ecto.Changeset<
      action: :insert,
      changes: %{country: "România"},
      errors: [
        street: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]},
        city: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]},
        county: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]}
      data: #Recenza.Models.Address<>,
      valid?: false
    employment_status: "employee",
    speciality: #Ecto.Changeset<
      action: :insert,
      changes: %{},
      errors: [
        name: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]},
        category_id: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]}
      data: #Recenza.Models.Speciality<>,
      valid?: false
  errors: [
    description: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]},
    speciality_id: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]},
    company_name: {"Compania este necesara pentru angajati", []}
  data: #Recenza.Models.Specialist<>,
  valid?: false

Address related model has been added in the changeset with the action :insert

If I submit the form now and print in the logs the changeset before submit and after Repo.insert I can see this:


  action: nil,
  changes: %{
    address: #Ecto.Changeset<
      action: :insert,
      changes: %{country: "România"},
      errors: [
        street: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]},
        city: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]},
        county: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]}
      data: #Recenza.Models.Address<>,
      valid?: false
    employment_status: "employee",
    speciality: #Ecto.Changeset<
      action: :insert,
      changes: %{},
      errors: [
        name: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]},
        category_id: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]}
      data: #Recenza.Models.Speciality<>,
      valid?: false
  errors: [
    description: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]},
    speciality_id: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]},
    company_name: {"Compania este necesara pentru angajati", []}
  data: #Recenza.Models.Specialist<>,
  valid?: false


  action: :update,
  changes: %{
    address: #Ecto.Changeset<
      action: :insert,
      changes: %{country: "România"},
      errors: [
        street: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]},
        city: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]},
        county: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]}
      data: #Recenza.Models.Address<>,
      valid?: false
    employment_status: "employee",
    speciality: #Ecto.Changeset<
      action: :insert,
      changes: %{},
      errors: [
        name: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]},
        category_id: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]}
      data: #Recenza.Models.Speciality<>,
      valid?: false
  errors: [
    description: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]},
    speciality_id: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]},
    company_name: {"Compania este necesara pentru angajati", []}
  data: #Recenza.Models.Specialist<>,
  valid?: false

between those two changesets, for Specialist action has changed from nil to :update but for Address it’s the same :insert vs insert
For Phoenix nothing changed in the address fields to show errors, I guess.

The hack I found it works for now it’s like this. When computing the changeset for the initial form instead of this:

def job_data_changeset(specialist, attrs) when attrs == %{} do

I have change it to this:

def job_data_changeset(specialist, attrs) when attrs == %{} do
    specialist =
      if is_nil(specialist.address) do
        Map.put(specialist, :address, %Address{})


It seems that for nested association I have to create an empty model when initializing the form.