I just spent some time figuring out why all my LiveView click events are so slow on local server. Maybe this info will be useful to someone. Or maybe I misunderstand something or not aware of some option or solution for this - in that case please point me in right direction.
So I noticed that phx-change events update page instantly, but phx-click events on same page have noticeable delay. Functions which handle those events are very similar, just update some assigns and do a push_patch. Long story short it turns out updates coming from server were delayed by transition started by phx-click-away on totally unrelated element (in my case animation also had no visible effect on page).
phx-click events were instantly sent and handled by server, results were returned to client instantly, but displaying results on client-side were delayed until transition is over. This is just my case with phx-click-away, but I can imagine this causing unexpected delay in other circumstances. For example disappearing menu/dropdown.
Here is how to reproduce the effect:
mix archive.install hex phx_new 1.7.14 (optional)
mix phx.new transition_delay --no-ecto
Replace “/” in router.ex:
live "/", PageLive
Add page_live.ex:
defmodule TransitionDelayWeb.PageLive do
use TransitionDelayWeb, :live_view
alias Phoenix.LiveView.JS
def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
{:ok, assign(socket, clicks: 0)}
def handle_event("click", _params, socket) do
{:noreply, assign(socket, clicks: socket.assigns.clicks + 1)}
def render(assigns) do
<div phx-click-away={
JS.transition({"duration-1000", "opacity-100", "opacity-0"},
time: 1000
Click away to hide me
<button phx-click="click">Click me</button>
<p>Clicked: <%= @clicks %></p>
Run and click on “Click me” button. Normally it would update counter instantly but because of fading text above counter will update with 1 second delay.