Phoenix Pubsub and :pg2.which_groups

As I a beginner with Phoenix Pubsub, and I got the strange situation need to help to explain.
I have small application use Phoenix Pubsub, then there are two case:

  1. Run application with “mix run --no-halt”, and check logs from code IO.puts(“Check pg2 groups: #{inspect(:pg2.which_groups())}”), then got [phx: MyDemo.PubSub.Adapter]
  2. Run application with “iex --sname demo_node -S mix phx.server --no-halt”, and check logs from code IO.puts(“Check pg2 groups: #{inspect(:pg2.which_groups())}”) , then got [phx: Phoenix.PubSub.PG2, phx: MyDemo.PubSub.Adapter]

I wonder why there is the pg2 group “phx: Phoenix.PubSub.PG2” in case #2. Could anyone please explain?

It is not much problematic, as I can get the correct pg2 group and get the members to send directly messages to. But there is still a bit confuse and need to clarify. Then could you please help @chrismccord ?

Phoenix pubsub adds this process as the pubsub adapter. You can see the source code for it at

My guess is that this is only added when serve endpoints is true, although I haven’t read through the code deep enough to answer that with 100% certainty.

Thanks @sb8244, as I just begin then there is so many things to explorer.