Phx 1.7 component layouts: pattern for non-trivial site layouts with slots?

I’m migrating a small/medium sized application to use the new phx 1.7 view-less component paradigm and I’ve run into a few issues.

Our layout is non-trivial in that each page can potentially have a sub-navigation menu, header and search bar.

We previously accomplished this by allowing each controller action to pass a specific view as part of assigns, then the templates would check if that view was set and render it. Something like this:

in the controller:

render(conn, "show.html",
       class: class,
       content_header_view: {AppWeb.ClassView, "_header.html"}

And in our “admin” layout:

<%= if content_header_view = assigns[:content_header_view] do %>
         <% {module, template} = content_header_view %>
           <%= render(module, template, assigns) %>

This worked well-enough and allowed for the flexibility we desired at a per-action level.

With the move to components, I thought this would be a great use case for slots but I’m now a bit baffled at what the “right” way to do this is.

Here’s what I tried first with the move to phx 1.7:

I moved the old “admin.html.heex” layout to /components/layouts/ and in my layouts file called embed_templates. Then I created a bodyless function as described by the docs in order to define my slots, like so:

defmodule AppWeb.Layouts do
  @moduledoc """
  The module for handling layouts
  use AppWeb, :html

  embed_templates "layouts/*"

  slot :search_form_content,
    doc: "A special slot for a search form that lives at the top of the page",
    required: false

  slot :header_content,
    doc: "A slot for content that is fixed at the top of the page",
    required: false

  slot :secondary_nav_content, doc: "A slot for a secondary nav", required: false

  def admin(assigns)

I set the controller to use the admin layout and then, in my index.html.heex file, I added this at the top:

  Test Nav Content!
Existing content here was here

When I refreshed the page, I got this error: invalid slot entry <:secondary_nav_content>. A slot entry must be a direct child of a component

… which, after the fact, made sense to me since I didn’t wrap that slot in a component. But my naive expectation was that I could call into the admin layout’s slot from within the template that’s being rendered.

I then tried:

  Test Nav Content!
Existing content here was here

But that gave me an error about not being able to find the admin component. And even if it had worked, I believe it would have rendered the admin layout twice, once inside the other since we’re using put_layout to set the admin layout.

Here’s where I ended up:

I ended up making a layout file for each major “resource” in my site and then I called into the admin component directly in that file.

E.g.: /components/layouts/student.html.heex now has this content in it:

<.admin {assigns}>
    <AppWeb.StudentHTML.search_form {assigns} />
  <:header_content :if={assigns[:student]}>
    <AppWeb.StudentHTML.header {assigns} />
  <:secondary_nav_content :if={assigns[:student]}>
    <AppWeb.StudentHTML.subnav {assigns} />

Which is slightly different from another section like /components/layouts/class.html.heex which has only one slot filled out:

<.admin {assigns}>
  <:header_content :if={assigns[:class]}>
    <AppWeb.ClassHTML.header {assigns} />

And the controllers now specifically put_layout on each action:

  def show(conn, %{"id" => id}) do
    course = LegacyData.get_course_with_requisites!(id)

    |> put_layout({AppWeb.Layouts, :course})
    |> render(:show,
      page_title: course.course_name,
      course: course

In a sense, this is what I hoped for but for some reason it feels a bit icky and I’m not sure why.

My questions are: is this sane? Is it the intended approach? Is there a better way to do this?

Can anyone point to another project that handles non-trivial layouts like this?

I suppose my issue with this approach is: It’s odd that you can define slots on the admin view that cannot be used unless you compose a new view on top of it. This solution “works” in that I get the ability to define slots on a case by case basis but it requires that I define a new layout that uses the admin layout as a component internally.

This is not a pattern I’ve seen elsewhere so I’m curious what others think.


Your <.admin> component - is it the same component in each of these places, and you’re just instantiating it differently in each of your contexts (for each of your resources), or are you having to create a variant of the <.admin> component for each context?

I’d say yes. Unless there are numerous (as in more than 10/20…) variations I think it makes sense to statically define the different variants in use (vs. the likely many more possible with the <.admin> component). Previously you did so in the controller, which was both ad hoc and non strictly defined. Also your controller essentially “defined” the layout, which is traditionally a view layer responsibility.


The admin component is the same in all contexts. It just has specific slots that can be filled, or not and the layout reacts accordingly.

Yeah, makes sense. Thanks!