After just over two years in development, this latest version of Pigeon is what I finally consider done in regards to my original vision for the project. v1.1
brings several needed API-breaking changes that should have been rolled into v1.0
, but were otherwise overshadowed by the complexity of the FCM http2 implementation. Special thanks to @talklittle for his help on this release.
What is Pigeon? It’s a library for sending iOS, Android, and Amazon Android push notifications. Check out the project:
What’s New
Kadabra Bumped to v0.3.2
Kadabra is an HTTP/2 client I wrote from scratch specifically to support Pigeon. v0.3+
brings significant stability improvements (and might actually run a bit faster). This bumps the minimum requirements to Elixir v1.4 and OTP 19.2
Runtime Worker Configs
APNS/FCM/ADM worker connections are now started with custom structs. The old config style is still valid, but it is recommended to use the new style.
# config.exs
config :pigeon, workers: [
{YourApp.Pigeon, :apns_config},
# your_app_pigeon.ex
defmodule YourApp.Pigeon do
def apns_config do
name: :apns_default,
mode: :prod,
cert: System.get_env("APNS_CERT"),
key: System.get_env("APNS_KEY"),
reconnect: false,
port: 2197,
ping_period: 300_000
Note: :apns_default
, :fcm_default
, and :adm_default
still need to be specified as names in your config if you want pigeon to push to them by default.
Standardized Notification Responses
Notifications now contain the push response on the notification itself. This makes sending batches of notifications more straightforward. APNS and ADM now have a :response
key indicating success or failure.
has been done away in favor of this new style, though the syntax is a bit different. :response
is a keyword list of [{response, "reg id"}]
for per-regID responses. There is a second :status
key on the notification that indicates whether the whole batch was successful.
Example usage for async response handling on FCM
def handle_response(%FCM.Notification{status: :success, response: responses}) do, & handle_regid(&1))
def handle_response(_else) do
# some sort of error
def handle_regid({:update, {old, new}), do: #update
def handle_regid({:invalid_registration, regid), do: #remove
def handle_regid({:not_registered, regid}), do: #remove
def handle_regid({:unavailable, regid), do: #retry
FCM.push(notif, on_response: &handle_response/1)
Roadmap Ahead
Forcus is now going to shift to tackling some of the smaller features that have been on the backburner. Among these:
- JWT token support for APNS
- Topic subscriptions for FCM
- Better onboarding for contributors (mock APNS servers anyone?)
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the project over the past couple years. As someone who was previously never very involved with open source, I feel like I’ve learned a lot in the process.