Pipe to Complex Map

I need to do the following:

  1. Read data from file
  2. Parse custom syntax
  3. Write result to a map

I have the following code:

File.stream!(load_path,[:read, :utf8]) #Read File
    |> Stream.map(&String.trim(&1)) #Trim Each Element
    |> Stream.map(&String.downcase(&1)) #Convert to Lowercase
    |> Stream.map(&String.split(&1, [":", ","])) #Split at Delimiters
    |> Stream.map(&Map.put(%{}, create_index_name(hd(&1)), tl(&1))) #Write to Map
    |> Enum.map(&IO.inspect(&1)) #Enumerate through stream

Which outputs a list with map entries in it like so:

  %{":jhb_team_names" => ["hawks", "maulers", "eagles", wolves"]},
  %{":dbn_team_names" => ["sqeaks", "bunfighters"]}

I need it to output something like:

  %{":jhb_team_names" => ["hawks", "maulers", "eagles", wolves"],
  	:dbn_team_names" => ["sqeaks", "bunfighters"]}

i.e. a single map, which can be simply accessed with a key => value lookup.

This should be simple to do, but my newness to Elixir is stumping me.

Any suggestions on how this can be accomplished?

Can you post some example source data (and possibly the source of create_index_name)? Also, please format your code blocks with triple backticks, right now it’s almost unreadable.


Thx, here goes:

File.stream!(load_path,[:read, :utf8]) #Read File
|> Stream.map(&String.trim(&1)) #Trim Each Element
|> Stream.map(&String.downcase(&1)) #Convert to Lowercase
|> Stream.map(&String.split(&1, [":", “,”])) #Split at Delimiters
|> Stream.map(&Map.put(%{}, create_index_name(hd(&1)), tl(&1))) #Write to Map
|> Enum.map(&IO.inspect(&1)) #Enumerate through stream

And create Index Name:

def create_index_name(name_string) do

    ":"<>String.replace(name_string, " ", "_")


The Source file looks like this:

jhb team names:hawks,maulers,eagles,wolves
dbn team names:sqeaks,bunfighters

Hope this clarifies :grinning:.

You’ll have to modify part of the code to read the data from a file but otherwise it works. Key insight: use Enum.reduce to accumulate values into a single return value, instead of making a one-keyed map for each parsed line.

defmodule Parse1 do
  def data(), do: ~S"""
  jhb team names:hawks,maulers,eagles,wolves
  dbn team names:sqeaks,bunfighters

  def stream_string(text) do
    {:ok, io} = StringIO.open(text)
    IO.stream(io, :line)

  def create_index_name(name) do
    ":" <> String.replace(name, " ", "_")

  def test() do
    # Replace first two lines with your file reading code.
    |> stream_string()
    |> Stream.map(&String.trim(&1))
    |> Stream.map(&String.downcase(&1))
    |> Stream.map(&String.split(&1, [":", ","]))
    |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn [head | tail], acc ->
      Map.put(acc, create_index_name(head), tail)

Copy-paste that in iex and then run Parse1.test().


Thx, it works perfectly now!

Also thx for the education to improve my knowledge :grinning:.

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Hi @anthonyl! Welcome!

I saw @dimitarvp answered your question already by asking a little bit more about your problem (good technique). Even though you solved the problem a different way, I thought I’d focus on what you asked first: You had an input in a certain shape (list of maps), you wanted an output in a different shape (one map). Here is a possible solution to the input/output problem:

iex(1)> target = [ %{jhb_team_names: ["hawks", "maulers", "eagles", "wolves"]}, %{dbn_team_names: ["sqeaks", "bunfighters"]}]
  %{jhb_team_names: ["hawks", "maulers", "eagles", "wolves"]},
  %{dbn_team_names: ["sqeaks", "bunfighters"]}
iex(2)> Enum.reduce(target, %{}, fn map, acc -> Enum.into(map, acc) end)                                                     
  dbn_team_names: ["sqeaks", "bunfighters"],
  jhb_team_names: ["hawks", "maulers", "eagles", "wolves"]

Hope this helps you in your Elixir journey! Keep going! :slight_smile:

In this case, I wouldn’t even bother with the Stream.map calls. The extra indirection is slowing you down and adding complexity for no real benefit. Thanks to @dimitarvp 's nice sample code, I took it and modified a bit to be more direct.

defmodule Parse2 do
  def data(), do: ~S"""
  jhb team names:hawks,maulers,eagles,wolves
  dbn team names:sqeaks,bunfighters

  def stream_string(text) do
    {:ok, io} = StringIO.open(text)
    IO.stream(io, :line)

  def create_index_name(name) do
    ":" <> String.replace(name, " ", "_")

  def line_to_kv(line) do
    [key | names] =
      |> String.trim()
      |> String.downcase()
      |> String.split([":", ","])

    {create_index_name(key), names}

  def test2() do
    # Replace first two lines with your file reading code.
    |> stream_string()
    |> Map.new(&line_to_kv/1)
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