Plotly.ex - an Elixir wrapper for Plotly.js

I released a plotting library for Elixir, which is a wrapper for Plotly.js.


By using Plotly.ex, you can plot graphs very easily as python.
Also, it can be used in Phoenix.

Please check it and give me some feedbacks!


I’m gonna try it when I’ll have time to see if I can feel the ggplot thrills (and its mighty grammar of graphics)

looks awesome…

Have you tried it with phoenix liveview yet? from a quick look it looks like it will work…


It should work with liveview, but you need to have the <div id='plotly' /> outside of the liveview. Otherwise the liveview and plotlyjs will overwrite each other, at least the last time I tried.

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Have you tried including the phx-ignore? I think that should prevent it from being overwritten.

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Thanks, never found ‘phx-ignore’ despite looking for something like it. I went another route for graphing, but it’d probably help others with plotly.

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