Polymorphic associations ecto

Hi i have a table “activities” in my db with colums: id, user_id, user_to_id, photo_id, type
type can be: ‘vote’, ‘user_follow’, ‘photo_follow’

I created a schema Vote, UserFollow, PhotoFollow.
The schema of Vote is like this:

defmodule Shuttertop.Votes.Vote do
  @moduledoc false

  use TypedEctoSchema
  import Ecto.Changeset

  require Shuttertop.Constants

  alias Shuttertop.Accounts.User
  alias Shuttertop.Constants, as: Const
  alias Shuttertop.Photos.Photo

  typed_schema "activities" do
    field(:type, :integer, default: Const.action_vote)
    belongs_to(:photo, Photo)
    belongs_to(:user, User)


The Photo schema is like this:

defmodule Shuttertop.Photos.Photo do
  @moduledoc false

  use TypedEctoSchema
  import Ecto.Changeset

  alias Shuttertop.Accounts.User
  alias Shuttertop.Votes.Vote

  typed_schema "photos" do
    field(:name, :string, null: true)
    field(:slug, :string, null: false)
    has_many(:votes, Vote, on_delete: :delete_all)

when i do a select like:

          p in Photo,
          preload: [:user, :votes]

the rows in photo.votes contains also PhotoFollow type

How can i get only Vote type without specify it in filter?

Now i can do it with this code, but i don’t like it:

          p in Photo,
          distinct: true,
          left_join: v in Vote,
          on: [photo_id: p.id, type: ^Const.action_vote],
          preload: [:user, votes: v]


Adding a where: to your has_many :votes should do what you’re looking for.