Hi, I’ll be definitely needing a pooling in my next small project in work, because I don’t want to kill Elasticsearch cluster. And I was wondering what are the libraries out there to use? One of obvious choices is to simply use Poolboy, and from what I see it will fit my use case (cause it’s not that complicated). Should I even consider other libraries, and if which ones?
The other one is queues, I’ll need them too. The simplest queue I can think of is just process message-box, but I’ll probably want to persist those queues because I’ll probably would not like to loose them. And now the question is, what to use? I don’t want to use Redis or any other technology like this (because If I would need Redis, I can just install it and write logic in Python which would be faster given what I have already). Any one can suggest a good, minimal library with persistence layer? Bonus points for a lib that can synchronize it’s queues over at least two nodes (redundancy in case of a hardware failure, network problem etc.)
If you can even point me somewhere with some link I’d be grateful, because when I see that some libs where not updated in like 2 years, I’m simply not sure if they’re simply stable or just abandoned