Did anyone make a list of “most popular” Hex packages for other packages (not end applications) based on the mix.exs
of all the packages in Hex? The column “Most downloaded” on Hex is not a perfect proxy because it may be driven mostly by end applications, not libraries.
If not, is there an easy way to retrieve all the mix.exs
in Hex to run such surveys?
That is an interesting question! To re-render your question, you’re basically asking for the library with the most transitive dependencies yea? I expect downloads is a pretty good proxy for that but as you say, it is a slightly different question.
I ran this query:
SELECT dependencies.name, count(packages.id)
FROM packages
SELECT package_id, max(inserted_at)
FROM releases
GROUP BY package_id
) latest_releases ON packages.id = latest_releases.package_id
JOIN releases ON releases.package_id = latest_releases.package_id AND releases.inserted_at = latest_releases.max
JOIN requirements ON requirements.release_id = releases.id
JOIN packages AS dependencies ON dependencies.id = requirements.dependency_id
WHERE dependencies.repository_id = 1
GROUP BY dependencies.id
ORDER BY count(packages.id) DESC;
It counts the number of packages where the the most recent version has a direct dependency on a given package, note that it does not count transitive dependencies.
The results for the top 100 packages are:
package | count |
jason | 2462 |
httpoison | 1830 |
poison | 1772 |
plug | 975 |
ecto | 896 |
hackney | 627 |
tesla | 599 |
timex | 577 |
ecto_sql | 559 |
phoenix | 510 |
postgrex | 447 |
telemetry | 387 |
plug_cowboy | 377 |
phoenix_html | 351 |
cowboy | 312 |
ex_doc | 311 |
uuid | 259 |
google_gax | 257 |
phoenix_live_view | 254 |
sweet_xml | 253 |
poolboy | 242 |
ex_aws | 238 |
gettext | 224 |
decimal | 219 |
floki | 184 |
elixir_make | 171 |
elixir_uuid | 170 |
castore | 164 |
rustler | 159 |
redix | 153 |
exprotobuf | 149 |
finch | 149 |
oauth2 | 147 |
gen_stage | 142 |
phoenix_ecto | 137 |
phoenix_pubsub | 136 |
nimble_options | 132 |
gleam_stdlib | 129 |
telemetry_metrics | 122 |
ueberauth | 121 |
amqp | 121 |
amqp_director | 121 |
jsx | 120 |
httpotion | 119 |
joken | 110 |
nimble_parsec | 110 |
typed_struct | 108 |
lager | 108 |
nerves | 106 |
absinthe | 105 |
earmark | 102 |
mint | 102 |
telemetry_poller | 101 |
cachex | 98 |
ex_aws_s3 | 98 |
yaml_elixir | 95 |
inflex | 89 |
recase | 88 |
protobuf | 85 |
membrane_core | 84 |
nerves_system_br | 81 |
ex_machina | 76 |
xml_builder | 74 |
zotonic_core | 73 |
faker | 72 |
exjsx | 69 |
connection | 68 |
confex | 67 |
jose | 67 |
goth | 66 |
opentelemetry_api | 66 |
mime | 66 |
comeonin | 66 |
grpc | 64 |
csv | 62 |
money | 61 |
phoenix_live_dashboard | 60 |
websockex | 59 |
fuse | 59 |
bcrypt_elixir | 58 |
broadway | 58 |
ranch | 58 |
credo | 57 |
req | 57 |
distillery | 55 |
guardian | 55 |
exconstructor | 54 |
nimble_csv | 52 |
bamboo | 52 |
gun | 50 |
google_protos | 49 |
rustler_precompiled | 48 |
esbuild | 47 |
db_connection | 46 |
flow | 46 |
tzdata | 46 |
gproc | 46 |
jsone | 45 |
bunch | 44 |
jiffy | 44 |
If anyone wants to productionize this and make it available on hex.pm contributions would be very welcome.
Thanks. I’m not surprised that Jason is #1 (but I was expecting ex_doc), or by the success of Phoenix-related stuff. I’m more surprised by the absence of dialyxir.
Both ex_doc and dialyxir are dependencies used in dev so they wouldn’t show up as Hex dependencies.