Postgrex parse_version error help

I have an app running on Heroku that started throwing errors. I haven’t touched it in a few months and it gets no traffic, so I’m not quite sure what happened. The error it throws over and over is Genserver terminating argument error Postgrex.Utils.parse_version line 67

Does anyone have an idea what could be happening?

Here is the full output from Sentry:

(ErlangError) Erlang error: {{:badarg, [{Postgrex.Utils, :"-parse_version/1-fun-0-", 1, [file: 'lib/postgrex/utils.ex', line: 67]}, {Enum, :"-map/2-lists^map/1-0-", 2, [file: 'lib/enum.ex', line: 1255]}, {Enum, :"-map/2-lists^map/1-0-", 2, [file: 'lib/enum.ex', line: 1255]}, {Postgrex.Utils, :parse_version, 1, [file: 'lib/postgrex/utils.ex', line: 67]}, {Postgrex.Protocol, :bootstrap_send, 6, [file: 'lib/postgrex/protocol.ex', line: 641]}, {Postgrex.Protocol, :handshake, 2, [file: 'lib/postgrex/protocol.ex', line: 475]}, {DBConnection.Connection, :connect, 2, [file: 'lib/db_connection/connection.ex', line: 134]}, {Connection, :enter_connect, 5, [file: 'lib/connection.ex', line: 622]}]}, {:gen_serve
 r, :call, [#PID<0.20073.43>, {:checkout, #Reference<0.3724655087.3347578881.169319>, true, 15000}, 5000]}}```
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Nevermind, believe I found the answer here: