Pow - token has expired

Hello, I have configured Pow in my application and everything seems to work fine besides two things. Password reset does not work and I see weird application behavior - when I click on the confirmation link I’m getting signed in but it’s impossible to sign in after log out. In the database, the field “email_confirmed_at” is empty. Also, when I’m getting redirected to my application from the password reset link I see a message that the token has expired. Does anyone have any idea what is wrong? I attach the trace from password reset:

[info] GET /reset-password/SFMyNTY.ODlhODA2NzQtYzIyMC00ZTlhLThkMWQtNGEwZGJjNjA1MGZk.7ead3zSq1WMHR4IhwXhMWTv3Tw_Q4IN67AQ-qa_26RI
[debug] Processing with PowResetPassword.Phoenix.ResetPasswordController.edit/2
  Parameters: %{"id" => "sfmynty.odlhoda2nzqtyziymc00ztlhlthkmwqtngewzgjjnja1mgzk.7ead3zsq1wmhr4ihwxhmwtv3tw_q4in67aq-qa_26ri"}
  Pipelines: [:browser]
[info] Sent 302 in 5ms
[debug] PowResetPassword.Phoenix.ResetPasswordController halted in :load_user_from_reset_token/2

Trace from email confirmation:

[info] GET /confirm-email/SFMyNTY.YjM1ZGI0OTktZGQ1ZC00NDM3LWIzYTctNDAzNGRlNDlhOGVj.d592v-RTYMGwXcinAzAYl2Wp1-xJi5aqMFHb22WUWOM
[debug] Processing with PowEmailConfirmation.Phoenix.ConfirmationController.show/2
  Parameters: %{"id" => "sfmynty.yjm1zgi0otktzgq1zc00ndm3lwizytctndazngrlndlhogvj.d592v-rtymgwxcinazayl2wp1-xji5aqmfhb22wuwom"}
  Pipelines: [:browser]
[info] Sent 302 in 4ms
[debug] PowEmailConfirmation.Phoenix.ConfirmationController halted in :load_user_from_confirmation_token/2
[info] GET /session/new
[debug] Processing with Pow.Phoenix.SessionController.new/2

EDIT: I’m not getting signed in always when trying to confirm the email. Only sometimes.