Problem deploying Earmark to hex


we are experiencing some troubles to deploy Earmark 1.2.3 which should get rid of all Elixir 1.5.0 warnings to hex…

Apart of some wild theories like forcing Elixir to 1.4 publishing then allowing Elixir 1.5 and republishing (I guess that is very stupid :blush:) I have no clue, here is the ST

Building docs...
** (UndefinedFunctionError) function :elixir_erl.debug_info/4 is undefined (module :elixir_erl is not av
    :elixir_erl.debug_info(:erlang_v1, Earmark.Block.BlockQuote, {:elixir_v1, %{attributes: [], compile_
opts: [], definitions: [{{:__struct__, 1}, :def, [line: 23, generated: true], [{[line: 23, generated: tr
ue], [{:kv, [counter: -576460752303306908, line: 23], Kernel}], [], {{:., [line: 23], [Enum, :reduce]}, 
[line: 23], [{:kv, [counter: -576460752303306908, line: 23], Kernel}, {:%{}, [line: 23], [__struct__: Ea
rmark.Block.BlockQuote, attrs: nil, blocks: [], lnb: 0]}, {:fn, [line: 23], [{:->, [line: 23], [[{{:key,
 [counter: -576460752303306908, line: 23], Kernel}, {:val, [counter: -576460752303306908, line: 23], Ker
nel}}, {:map, [counter: -576460752303306908, line: 23], Kernel}], {{:., [line: 23], [:maps, :update]}, [
line: 23], [{:key, [counter: -576460752303306908, line: 23], Kernel}, {:val, [counter: -5764607523033069
08, line: 23], Kernel}, {:map, [counter: -576460752303306908, line: 23], Kernel}]}]}]}]}}]}, {{:__struct
__, 0}, :def, [line: 23, generated: true], [{[line: 23, generated: true], [], [], {:%{}, [line: 23], [__
struct__: Earmark.Block.BlockQuote, attrs: nil, blocks: [], lnb: 0]}}]}], file: "/Users/dave/Played/earm
ark/lib/earmark/block.ex", line: 23, module: Earmark.Block.BlockQuote, unreachable: []}, []}, [])      
    (elixir) lib/kernel/typespec.ex:300: Kernel.Typespec.abstract_code/1
    (elixir) lib/kernel/typespec.ex:291: Kernel.Typespec.from_abstract_code/2
    (ex_doc) lib/ex_doc/retriever.ex:430: ExDoc.Retriever.get_specs/1
    (ex_doc) lib/ex_doc/retriever.ex:192: ExDoc.Retriever.get_module_info/2
    (ex_doc) lib/ex_doc/retriever.ex:163: ExDoc.Retriever.generate_node/3
    (elixir) lib/enum.ex:1229: Enum."-map/2-lists^map/1-0-"/2

should we have released before 1.5 ?

Thank you in advance