Problem sending phx-value-* on key event


I’ve encountered a problem sending phx-value-* on key event.

In my template I have:

<%= text_input(@form, @key,
   phx_keydown: "suggest_drivers",
   phx_value_carrier_id: @carrier_id,
   phx_debounce: "10", 
   name: "drivers",
   id: "driver-input") %> 

The important line is phx_value_carrier_id: @carrier_id - I confirmed the @carrier_id value is correct, see the rendered input field:

<input id="driver-input" name="drivers" phx-debounce="10" phx-keydown="suggest_drivers" phx-value-carrier-id="711205c2-69c3-11ea-9f03-186590d7702f" type="text">

The problem is that in my callback function I don’t get carrier-id from the payload as expected:

def handle_event("suggest_drivers", payload, socket) do
    carrier_id = payload["carrier-id"]

    **=> IO.inspect carrier_id -> nil**

I use:

  • liveview 0.8.1
  • phoenix 1.4.10
  • node.js 12.10.0
  • npm 6.10.3
  • chrome 80.0.3987.149

Any help is highly appreciated!

Once You use


Then You use


You can always inspect to see what You get.

IO.inspect payload

IO.inspect payload yields:

  "altKey" => false,
  "charCode" => 0,
  "code" => "KeyR",
  "ctrlKey" => false,
  "key" => "r",
  "keyCode" => 82,
  "location" => 0,
  "metaKey" => false,
  "repeat" => false,
  "shiftKey" => false,
  "value" => "r",
  "which" => 82

so no carrier-id or carrier_id :slight_smile:

Your code snippets worked for me and I could see carrier-id in payload. Something else is afoot here. I know “your code is actually correct” doesn’t help much :slight_smile:, but the error is elsewhere.

interesting, thanks for trying it out!

I have tested some more and I’m ready to bet you’re not on liveview 0.8.1

  1. The payload keys are different on 0.8.1 than the ones you posted
  "altKey" => false,
  "carrier-id" => "711205c2-69c3-11ea-9f03-186590d7702f",
  "code" => "KeyR",
  "ctrlKey" => false,
  "key" => "r",
  "location" => 0,
  "metaKey" => false, 
  "repeat" => false,
  "shiftKey" => false,
  "value" => "r"

  1. The payload keys on 0.6.0 are exactly like yours:
  "altKey" => false,
  "charCode" => 0,
  "code" => "KeyR",
  "ctrlKey" => false,
  "key" => "r",
  "keyCode" => 82,
  "location" => 0,
  "metaKey" => false,
  "repeat" => false,
  "shiftKey" => false,
  "value" => "r",
  "which" => 82

On 0.6.0, I don’t see the carrier-id. This was a known bug fixed in 0.7.0.

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You might need to clear your node deps and run npm install again if you recently upgraded your LiveView version.


Thanks for taking your time to check for different versions! You lost the bet, however :smile: I was indeed on 0.8.1 liveview version.

The problem was in the structure of my umbrella project and paths to dependencies inside of every app, but I managed to solve that issue.

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