Problem with authenticating WebSockets

I have a problem with authenticating WebSocket connection.

I use Phoenix and Vue + phoenix-socket as my front-end, and everything was fine before adding authentication.

The connection can be established and data is transferred properly but after that, it starts sending errors and I don’t understand why.

My browser console looks like this:

    receive: ok feed:1 phx_reply (1) {response: {…}, status: "ok"}

    Joined successfully {feed: Array(3)}

    WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:4000/socket/websocket?vsn=1.0.0' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 403

    push: phoenix heartbeat (2) {}

    receive: ok phoenix phx_reply (2) {response: {…}, status: "ok"}

    WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:4000/socket/websocket?vsn=1.0.0' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 403


[info] CONNECTED TO TweeterApiWeb.UserSocket in 0┬Ás
  Transport: :websocket
  Serializer: Phoenix.Socket.V1.JSONSerializer
  Parameters: %{"token" => "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJ0d2VldGVyX2FwaSIsImV4cCI6MTU5NjkxMjAxNiwiaWF0IjoxNTk0NDkyODE2LCJpc3MiOiJ0d2VldGVyX2FwaSIsImp0aSI6IjViYWFlMDRlLTBjMTYtNDEyMi05Y2VlLWZmMzQ2OWM1YWE1YiIsIm5iZiI6MTU5NDQ5MjgxNSwic3ViIjoiMSIsInR5cCI6ImFjY2VzcyJ9.-ZJMyyEBKd0_nHYUBGdaI0qdHn1nuWtpG8sEUHqikBuWTB2sKw9Sk36OsUpXBS5ozRpe2l2VXq8NI58HydIhZA", "vsn" => "1.0.0"}
[debug] QUERY OK source="tweets" db=0.0ms idle=875.0ms
SELECT t0."id", t0."content", t0."comment_count", t0."retweet_count", t0."like_count", t0."profile_id", t0."inserted_at", t0."updated_at" FROM "tweets" AS t0 WHERE (t0."profile_id" = $1) [1]
[info] JOINED feed:1 in 0┬Ás
  Parameters: %{}
[info] REFUSED CONNECTION TO TweeterApiWeb.UserSocket in 0┬Ás
  Transport: :websocket
  Serializer: Phoenix.Socket.V1.JSONSerializer
  Parameters: %{"vsn" => "1.0.0"}

It looks like the connection is refused because there is no token in params but I only check the authentication when the socket connects, so the token should be completely unnecessary once the connection is established, right?

Here is my user_socket.ex:

defmodule TweeterApiWeb.UserSocket do
      use Phoenix.Socket
      alias TweeterApi.Accounts
      alias TweeterApi.Accounts.Guardian
      ## Channels
      channel "feed:*", TweeterApiWeb.FeedChannel
      @impl true
      def connect(%{"token" => token}, socket, _connect_info) do
        case Guardian.resource_from_token(token) do
          {:ok, user, _claims} ->
            current_profile = Accounts.get_profile_by(user_id:
            {:ok, assign(socket, :current_profile_id,}
          {:error, _reason} ->
      def connect(_params, _socket, _connect_info), do: :error
      @impl true
      def id(socket), do: "users_socket:#{socket.assigns.current_profile_id}"

The channel code:

defmodule TweeterApiWeb.FeedChannel do
      use TweeterApiWeb, :channel
      alias TweeterApi.Tweets
      def join("feed:" <> current_profile_id, _params, socket) do
        if String.to_integer(current_profile_id) === socket.assigns.current_profile_id do
          current_profile_tweets = Tweets.list_profile_tweets(current_profile_id)
          response = %{
              Phoenix.View.render_many(current_profile_tweets, TweeterApiWeb.TweetView, "tweet.json")
          {:ok, response, socket}
          {:error, %{reason: "Not authorized"}}
      def terminate(_reason, socket) do
        {:ok, socket}

and Vue.js code:

    import UserProfileSection from '@/components/sections/UserProfileSection.vue'
    import TimelineSection from '@/components/sections/TimelineSection.vue'
    import FollowPropositionsSection from '@/components/sections/FollowPropositionsSection.vue'
    import NewTweetForm from '@/components/sections/NewTweetForm.vue'
    import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
    import { Socket } from 'phoenix-socket'
    export default {
        name: 'AppFeed',
        components: {
        data() {
            return {
                tweets: [],
        computed: {
            ...mapGetters('auth', ['currentProfileId', 'token'])
        mounted() {
            const WEBSOCKET_URL = 'ws://localhost:4000'
            const socket = new Socket(`${WEBSOCKET_URL}/socket`, {
                params: { token: this.token },
                logger: (kind, msg, data) => {
                    console.log(`${kind}: ${msg}`, data)
   ='feed:' + this.currentProfileId, {})
                .receive('ok', (resp) => {
                    console.log('Joined successfully', resp)
                    this.tweets = resp.feed
                .receive('error', (resp) => {
                    console.log('Unable to join', resp)

Hello and welcome…

It seems You are using an outdated library.

This one should be better

BTW You did not mention your phoenix version :slight_smile:

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My phoenix version is 1.5.3.

I have switched the library, but nothing changed.

I am not using vue, but I always pass the token…

So what should the code look like?

Isn’t this part of code supposed to take care of passing the token with the WebSocket?

            const socket = new Socket(`${WEBSOCKET_URL}/socket`, {
                params: { token: this.token },
                logger: (kind, msg, data) => {
                    console.log(`${kind}: ${msg}`, data)

Can you see vsn as 2.0 now ?

Yes but the rest stayed the same.

My code is very similar…

    const socketOptions = {
      params: { token },
      logger: (kind, msg, data) => (
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
        console.log(`${kind}: ${msg}`, data)

But your log shows no token in params for the second call.

What does the web request that the JavaScript makes to initiate the WebSocket look like? It will include token as a GET parameter.

Your initial request makes it look like token is being passed up, but then a second request is made that fails. Do you have 2 Socket connections by chance?

Why does "token" => "eyJhbGciOiJIUzU..." differ from the second call? Why are there 2 calls at all?

Few high level thoughts are that you are on an old serializer version (1 instead of 2) and using phoenix-socket library. I would suggest making sure you’re on the latest versions possible—in general a good thing—although that is likely not the actual issue at hand.

edit: Have you tried console.log(this.token) in the mounted function? What if it is being mounted without a token?


I had a second socket connection in my vuex module used in one of the child components.

Thank you for your help!

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