Problem with nth prime number generator

I am working on Project Euler problem #7, to find the 10001th prime. Unfortunately, my code produces an incorrect answer. The 10001th prime it produces is low by around 700 (using an answer I found by searching the web) while the index for the correct prime is off by around 60. I suspect the problem lies in my test for primeness. Any help appreciated!

defmodule Prime do
  def nth_prime(n) do
    Stream.iterate(1, &(&1 + 2))
    |> Stream.filter(&prime?(&1))
    |> Stream.with_index(1)
    |> Enum.find(fn {_prime, x} -> x == n end)

  def prime?(2), do: true
  def prime?(3), do: true
  def prime?(4), do: false
  def prime?(5), do: true
  def prime?(n) do
    limit = [7, round(:math.sqrt(n))] |> Enum.max
    0 == Stream.iterate(3, &(&1 + 2))
    |> Stream.take_while(fn x -> x < limit end)
    |> Stream.filter(fn x -> rem(n,x) == 0 end)
    |> Enum.to_list
    |> Enum.count

IO.inspect Prime.nth_prime(10001)

I’ve only had a brief look, I can see a couple of areas to consider:

  1. should return false, this looks like it returns true
  2. Stream.iterate(1, &(&1 + 2)) won’t generate a value 2, which is actually a prime
  3. I believe Stream.take_while(fn x -> x < limit end) should be Stream.take_while(fn x -> x <= limit end); that is you should also consider the limit
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I think this is a working version of your code.

  1. Need to ensure 2 is part of the generated stream since it is a prime
  2. previously considered 1, 8, and a few other anomalies to be prime
  3. Also consider the limit in prime?/1
defmodule Prime do
  def nth_prime(n) do
    Stream.iterate(1, &(&1 + 1))
    |> Stream.filter(&prime?(&1))
    |> Stream.with_index(1)
    |> Enum.find(fn {_prime, x} -> x == n end)

  def prime?(1), do: false
  def prime?(2), do: true
  def prime?(3), do: true
  def prime?(5), do: true
  def prime?(7), do: true
  def prime?(n) when rem(n, 2) == 0, do: false
  def prime?(n) do
    limit = [7, round(:math.sqrt(n))] |> Enum.max

    Stream.iterate(3, &(&1 + 2))
    |> Stream.take_while(fn x -> x <= limit end)
    |> Stream.filter(fn x -> rem(n,x) == 0 end)
    |> Enum.empty?

(Editted to include @NobbZ’s excellent recommendation to use Enum.empty?/1 which cleans up the code a lot and makes it a lot easier to reason about I think.)


As @kip already stated, your considers 1 to be prime:


Also you are missing 2 as a prime (list of first 10 primes):

Stream.iterate(1, &(&1 + 2)) |> Stream.filter(& |> Enum.take(10)
[1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29]

Where you have 1 there should be a 2. This in fact wont change the 10_001st prime though, as it is a single number that is wrong, everything thereafter seems to be correct on a first glance.

But the third observation by @kip seems to be goal-leeding. With that single line changed and after a felt-to-be hour I canceled the calculation, as some things you do are very costly.

  1. Instead of 0 == s |> Enum.to_list |> Enum.count you should use s |> Enum.empty?. This will safe you a lot of list allocations.
  2. Instead of considering all odd numbers, you should probably use a wheel sieve. (except for 2 and 3, all known primes are either k * 5 + 1 or k * 5 - 1 where k is any natural number but 0.
  3. Instead of creating a list of all odd divisors of a number, you should probably use Enum.any? to cancel on the very first divisor found. (has roughly the same effect as piping the filtered stream to Enum.empty?/1)
  4. Instead of adding an index and to each element, simply dropping n - 1 elements might decrease runtime as well, but not as drastically as eg. improving the prime?/1.

My personal solution runs in about 7.5 seconds on my machine. So you have quite some way to go to reach the 60 seconds goal :wink:

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Ouch… Just checked @kip’s solution he posted in the meantime. It returned nearly instantly… Perhaps I have overcomplicated my solution :wink:

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Thanks for your help, Kip & NobbZ! Much appreciated!