ProcessHub - process distribution library


Published a new library - ProcessHub!

ProcessHub is a library designed to manage process distribution within the Elixir cluster. Each cluster initiates its own hub under the supervision tree, and all these hubs collectively form a cluster.

Drawing inspiration from frameworks like Horde and Swarm, one of the primary motivations behind developing this library was the necessity to replicate processes in order to enhance reliability.

This library was originally a component of another project and was tightly integrated with it until it grew and I made the decision to open source it and extract it from the codebase.

Please be caution when using this library, as it is currently in an alpha release phase.

Key Features:

  1. :globe_with_meridians: Cluster Distribution: ProcessHub allows you to effortlessly distribute processes across a cluster of nodes.
  2. :arrows_counterclockwise: Configurable Strategies: Tailor your distribution strategies to your specific needs. ProcessHub offers a range of strategies for redundancy handling, process replication, network failure mitigation, and more.
  3. :rocket: Scalability and Availability: Designed with scalability and availability in mind, ProcessHub’s operations are predominantly asynchronous and non-blocking. It’s eventually consistent.
  4. :classical_building: Decentralized Architecture
  5. :satellite: React to events : ships with a set of events that can be hooked into and trigger code.

Theres actually much more. Please read the documentation.

Link to the documentation: Hex
Github: Repo

Thanks :slight_smile:


New version released.

v0.1.1-alpha - 2023-10-07

Elixir 1.13-1.15 support added.
Includes minor bugfixes, test fixes and documentation updates.


  • Added GitHub Actions for automated testing.
  • Made sure that ProcessHub is compatible with Elixir 1.13-1.15.
  • Added example usage section to the documentation.


  • Updated ProcessHub documentation by adding a list of all available strategies.
  • Removed unnecessary file .tool-version generated by asdf.


  • table of contents links fixed.
  • Fixed ProcessHub await/1 function example code formatting.
  • Fixed tests for elixir 1.15 & OTP 26
  • Fixed test case which was failing in some cases due to async call being executed before.

The library is still in the alpha phase, feedback and suggestions are welcome. If you have any issues, please open an issue or a pull request on Github.

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Thanks for sharing this!! It resembles a system i designed over the last few years (as a hobby project) but much better documented and more professionally written (and not entangled with the rest of my code the way mine is - i just wanted something working without worrying to much about support, reuse etc etc!)

I know at the moment you do not have a distribution strategy as a configurable item but could they be included in the future?

Some additional examples (as well as your hash ring):

:local (to force creation on the local node the code thats creating it is running on)
:notlocal (so must not be on the local node the code creating it is running on)
:roundrobin (one for this node, one for the next node etc etc)
:foreach (create one process on each node in the current cluster)



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Thank you for the feedback!

Yes, it’s possible that the distribution will be configurable too in the future.
The current hash ring implementation works great, but providing an option to configure the distribution would make the library much more versatile.

New features will probably be added as it’s still in the early development stage.
Currently, I’m thinking of adding more failure-handling mechanisms, as there are so many things that can go wrong when designing distributed systems.

I’m hoping this library could become one of the go-to options when building distributed systems using Elixir, like Horde and Swarm are at the moment.
By gaining more traction, others could help report bugs and make the library more bulletproof. It’s currently the heart of the application I’m building.

Also, thank you for the great ideas. I really like the idea of letting the user pick the node for the process to start on.

An additional feature may be to be able to lock a process in place so it can’t be moved to another node once it starts running on its distributed node (at the risk of that node falling off the cluster etc). That would tie in with the :foreach distribution strategy (or maybe that strategy always has the processes locked to their deployed node when deployed??).

I have looked at Swarm and Horde as options for my hobby project in the past but ended up doing my own for various reasons but i love the simplicity of this projects API and its ease of use.

As we are deploying processes with it, I was thinking of having a simple macro to remove all the process template cruft from the code - something similar to what Dave Thomas does here GitHub - pragdave/component: Experiment in moving towards higher-level Elixir components (but working with ProcessHub of course). Yours thoughts?

Just some random suggestions :wink:


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:local (to force creation on the local node the code thats creating it is running on)
:notlocal (so must not be on the local node the code creating it is running on)

A custom distribution strategy, something like StaticDistribution , could handle these two cases. Maybe also offer a third option to allow the user to define the node for that process. Now, handling node failures could be tricky. For example, if we have a 2-node cluster (an uneven number is better, but just an example), and we lose one node, we end up starting the :notlocal processes locally, or we could choose to ignore them. This could be a user-defined option.

:roundrobin (one for this node, one for the next node etc etc)
:foreach (create one process on each node in the current cluster)

These two could be distribution strategies as well. We could handle failures using the hash ring to achieve consensus.

Anyways, creating a new distribution strategy opens up the option to define custom ones, so it’s a pretty good idea.

I also had a thought of letting the user pick the distribution strategy when starting processes, but in the long run, I think mixing different distribution strategies will backfire when handling failures. Perhaps it’s better to just start multiple ProcessHub instances with their different distribution strategies.

I was thinking of having a simple macro to remove all the process template cruft from the code - something similar to what Dave Thomas does here GitHub - pragdave/component: Experiment in moving towards higher-level Elixir components (but working with ProcessHub of course). Yours thoughts?

I was thinking of something similar. The process hand over steps could be implemented as a macro.

use GenServer

 def handle_info({:process_hub, :handover_start, startup_resp, from}, state) do
    case startup_resp do
      {:ok, pid} ->
        # Send the state to the remote process.
        Process.send(pid, {:process_hub, :handover, state}, [])

        # Signal the handler process that the state handover has been handled.
        Process.send(from, {:process_hub, :retention_handled}, [])

      _ ->

    {:noreply, state}

  def handle_info({:process_hub, :handover, handover_state}, _state) do
    {:noreply, handover_state}

But I’m not sure if Elixir will complain about it, because if a user defines their own functions below the use statement and some handle_info/2 callbacks, these functions may need to be grouped together. Maybe I’m just overthinking here :slight_smile:

At the moment I’m working on a system that is using ProcessHub. Going to test the library there and maybe add some more failure handling mechanisms.

Once I see the system has been running with no issues for some time I will probably implement custom distribution strategies.

Thank you for your thought, really good ideas.

Yes i think you are absolutely correct there in terms of clarity of what each process hub would do for distribution any maybe also failure handling (after all not all processes need to be restarted on failure).

Good luck with your on going project!!


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Just released version 0.2.0-alpha.


This version introduces guide pages, several new features with the most significant being the configurable strategy for distribution. This means that we can now replace the default consistent hashing implementation with our own. By default, ProcessHub still uses consistent hashing, but it now supports, out of the box, a guided distribution strategy. This strategy essentially requires the user/system to specify which processes should reside on which node, etc.

Additionally, I conducted some performance profiling to identify the biggest bottlenecks. It turns out that process handover migration was significantly slow due to numerous calls (number of spawned processes) to the Supervisor.which_children/1 function. It appears that this function struggles with a large number of processes, as also noted in the documentation. I identified and addressed some other issues related to performance, reliability, and failure handling.

For the next release, my focus will be on performance and reliability improvements while also adding smaller features such as configurable timeouts etc.

Happy coding! :slight_smile:

Many thanks for the update!!

Looking forward to having a play.



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I don’t have a project for it now, but this is a very welcome library. We had distributed processes in last project and it wasn’t easy.

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Thank you both for the feedback; it means a lot.

I have pushed a minor upgrade that includes some additional guides to help you get started more easily. There’s still lots of functionality to cover with documentation, but this will be done step by step in the future.


There have been several updates on github for this library recently by the author.

Not sure why he isn’t posting them here as they are useful!


I’m pleased to know that there’s interest in the development progress. I’ll continue to update any future releases here.

I’d like to share some plans regarding the library. One of the primary upcoming goals is to optimize the library by identifying bottlenecks and areas where improvements can be made. The most recent release introduced configurable timeouts, which are essential for larger systems with a significant number of nodes and processes, and which can tolerate higher latencies. This enhancement has also laid the groundwork for performance testing and fine-tuning. I’ll update the documentation later by including general guidelines for configuring timeouts and other parameters based on the cluster size and the number of processes.

Additionally, I’ll need to expand the documentation and provide more guides because various configurations and methods are undiscovered in the current documentation.

Prior to optimizing and improving the documentation, I’ll enhance the hook system to make it more robust. This will provide additional ways to extend or modify the system’s behavior. At this point, it should be relatively straightforward to replace built-in strategies with custom implementations that can hook into the system at different points as needed and execute code.

Hopefully 0.x.x-beta soon :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the update!

Look forward to the updates especially the docs!



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Yes, while I don’t have any immediate use cases for this, I’m kind of silently following along since your first post as the topic deeply fascinates me.

Thanks for the docs especially, I am learning a thing or two from them! :slight_smile:

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