Hi there,
As I’m starting to implement Membrane pipelines (initially as one-off scripts like the one below), I wonder what are the good pipeline testing strategies?
I am more interested by pipelines testing (where the SUT = System Under Test is the pipeline itself, which is supervised in the example) than by individual components, where I have pretty good ideas on how to do that.
With this example:
defmodule MyPipeline do
use Membrane.Pipeline
@impl true
def handle_init(_ctx, mp3_url) do
spec =
location: mp3_url,
hackney_opts: [follow_redirect: true]
|> child(Membrane.MP3.MAD.Decoder)
|> child(Membrane.PortAudio.Sink)
{[spec: spec], %{}}
mp3_url =
Membrane.Pipeline.start_link(MyPipeline, mp3_url)
What testing can be done?
I realise that ultimately I will use a “test sink” for these tests, and also mock out the HTTP source, but you see the general idea.
I will look into the Membrane codebase, but happy to bounce ideas here.