Pushing data from LiveView to Channel over PubSub?

I have a Channel on which the JavaScript front-end connects.
I have a LiveView UI from which the user can type messages and send them to JS UI (well, it can’t, which is the problem here).
My flow is as follows:

JS user ----> |subscribe to |
LV user ----> |same topic   |
C = Channel
LV= LiveView
--> C) broadcast(some_message)
--> LV) handle_info(some_message)
--> LV) broadcast(reply_message)
--> C) handle_info(reply_message)
--> C) push(socket, reply_message) <-- !DOES NOT WORK 

Is this even possible?
I saw this blog from Sophie DeBenedetto which leads me to think this doesn’t work (without Registry)
Any help?

Hi @regex.sh can you show your actual code? In principle this should work just fine, but the devil is in the details of how your subscriptions and broadcasts are done.


but the devil is in the details of how your subscriptions and broadcasts are done.

Yup, devil was in the detail :smiley:
I subscribed to topic outside “join” callback (I have send() for :after_join)
It now requires me to implement handle_out, which I did and push is working :slight_smile:

Is handle_out normal for this sort of thing?

Current code (it’s currently WIP, so don’t judge haha)
I had subscribe in handle_info prior to this

def join("live-chat:room:" <> guest_id, %{"platformId" => platform_id}, socket) do
  GuestChat.subscribe("live-chat:room:" <> guest_id)
  send(self(), {:join_room, platform_id, guest_id})
  {:ok, socket |> assign(:guest_id, guest_id)}

def handle_info({:join_room, platform_id, guest_id}, socket) do
  GuestChat.broadcast("live-chat:room:" <> guest_id, "new_guest", %{uid: guest_id})
  Presence.track(socket, "live-chat:room:" <> guest_id, %{guest_id: guest_id, platform_id: platform_id})
  {:noreply, socket}