Put_flash html not working as desired

Hi all,
My put_flash message include html text.
but it will direct to display same text in my page test01, no show the line breaks.
How can i change my code?
|> put_flash(:info, "test01 <br /> test02 <br /> test03 <br /> test04") |> redirect(to: home_path(conn, :index))

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Probably this…


Thanks for reply quickly. it work.:joy:

Hi all,
I set struct to put_flash(:info, %{error_msg: error_msg, value: value}),
How can i get it in html or javascript?

i doing like this, but alway get the error message
protocol Phoenix.HTML.Safe not implemented for %{error_msg:…

var test = ‘<%= get_flash(@conn, :info) %>’

Thanks all. Solved

I would just clarify that put_flash accepts a list, where each element can optionally be raw. Here is an example warning message with an HTML break and followed by a live_redirect link/button.

        "You need to do something",
        raw("<br />"),
        live_redirect("Click Here", to: Routes.author_new_path(socket, :new))