I have a users - teams many to many setup through a users_teams table.
In the team schema I have the following fields mapping to the users:
has_many :active_users_teams, UserTeam
has_many :active_users, through: [:active_users_teams, :user]
field :active_member_count, :integer, virtual: true, default: nil
In the users table I have these fields that I fill in queries based on the given team:
field :role_in_selected_team, :string, virtual: true
field :status_in_selected_team, :string, virtual: true
These work great separately.
Now I am trying to combine the two, so I can preload the users under a team and have these fields on the user loaded as well.
This code is just from messing around:
user_with_role =
ut in UserTeam,
join: u in assoc(ut, :user),
select: %User{u | role_in_selected_team: ut.role, status_in_selected_team: ut.status}
team_with_member_count =
t in Team,
join: ut in assoc(t, :active_users_teams),
group_by: t.id,
preload: [:owner, active_users: ^user_with_role],
select: %Team{t | active_member_count: count(ut.id)}
teams = Repo.all(team_with_member_count)
team = Enum.find(teams, fn team -> team.id == 3 end)
IO.inspect(team.active_users |> length())
IO.inspect(team.active_users_teams |> length())
members = Repo.all(user_with_role)
IO.inspect(members |> length())
I observed this strange thing, that as you see I print out 3 numbers.
The team in question has 25 members.
The output is somehow this:
As you see the latter 2 numbers are 25, the last is the query executed by itself that is used in the active_users
field preload.
The middle one is the active_users_teams
field form the team schema that gets loaded when the active_users
Now as you se the first number is not 25, when I use the user_with_role
query in the preload of the active_users
Note: For running the first query by itself I supplied a static team_id(that matches the incoming one) in the query, else it returns all of them.
Just selecting u in the first query does not change the result.
If I don’t do the custom preload query for active_users
it returns 25 users as well.
What am I messing up here?
Any ideas?