Raising exception without breaking Enum.reduce?

I have a situation where I want to reduce a list of items like:

thing = [1, 2, 3, 4]

Enum.reduce(thing, [], fn el, acc ->
  case el do
    1 ->
      ["one" | acc]

    2 ->
      ["two" | acc]

    4 ->
      ["four" | acc]

of course this is going to raise an exception when it gets to 3 because there is no case for that. I basically want to raise the exception, but also not crash the process and essentially just skip over the problem element in the reduce function. I was thinking of doing something like:

thing = [1, 2, 3, 4]

Enum.reduce(thing, [], fn el, acc ->
  case el do
    1 ->
      ["one" | acc]

    2 ->
      ["two" | acc]

    4 ->
      ["four" | acc]

    _ ->
      Task.start(fn -> raise ArgumentError, "Case missing for #{el}" end)

but was wondering if there was a better approach?

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Don’t spawn just to raise, instead you should prefer to just log instead.


Cool, thanks!