Rancher error logged during Ueberauth (but login is successful)

I’m getting this logged as an error now that I have ueberauth setup for twitter and facebook. The login flow works, but I do get these errors in the logs (and in Sentry).

I’m not sure what to make of this error, as it’s pretty cryptic, and doesn’t seem to actually say what the issue is. Any help is appreciated, thanks!

12:48:14.672 [error] Ranch listener SwayDMWeb.Endpoint.HTTP had connection process started with :cowboy_clear:start_link/4 at #PID<0.11515.0> exit with reason: {:function_clause, [{:cowboy_http, :commands, [{:state, #PID<0.6237.0>, SwayDMWeb.Endpoint.HTTP, #Port<0.1504>, :ranch_tcp, :undefined, %{env: %{dispatch: [{:_, [], [{:_, [], Phoenix.Endpoint.Cowboy2Handler, {SwayDMWeb.Endpoint, []}}]}]}, stream_handlers: [:cowboy_telemetry_h, :cowboy_stream_h]}, "", %{}, {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 65535, 32512, 1}, 47722}, {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 65535, 32512, 1}, 4000}, :undefined, #Reference<0.1523759978.3391881217.216659>, true, 2, {:ps_request_line, 0}, 65535, 1, :done, 1, [{:stream, 1, {:cowboy_telemetry_h, {:state, {:cowboy_stream_h, {:state, :undefined, SwayDMWeb.Endpoint.HTTP, #PID<0.11516.0>, :undefined, :undefined, :undefined, :undefined, 0, :nofin, "", 0, ...}}, #Function<0.118987493/1 in :cowboy_telemetry_h."-fun.metrics_callback/1-">, :undefined, %{body_length: 0, cert: :undefined, has_body: false, headers: %{"accept" => "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", "accept-encoding" => "gzip, deflate, br", "accept-language" => "en-US,en;q=0.9", "connection" => "close", "cookie" => "ueberauth.state_param=...; _clsk=5p108l|1649350086029|6|1|e.clarity.ms/collect; _fbp=fb.1.1647618012047.1510433579; _ga=GA1.2.358519713.1647618012; _gat_UA-208517964-1=1; _gid=GA1.2.1612864518.1649346197;  _clck=1hkhwvo|1|f0f|0; _ga_HNML5BJZL2=GS1.1.1649108724.6.0.1649108724.0; prism_67987912=ac55e9d9-d204-4ec1-8367-220b29b788cc", "host" => "staging.sway.dm", "referer" => "https://staging.sway.dm/", ...}, host: "staging.sway.dm", method: "GET", path: "/auth/facebook/callback", peer: {{0, 0, ...}, 47722}, pid: #PID<0.11515.0>, port: 80, qs: "code=...", ...}, "302 Found", %{"cache-control" => "max-age=0, private, must-revalidate", "content-length" => "82", "content-type" => "text/html; charset=utf-8", "cross-origin-window-policy" => "deny", "date" => "Thu, 07 Apr 2022 16:48:14 GMT", "location" => "/register/social", "server" => "Cowboy", "set-cookie" => [...], "x-content-type-options" => "nosniff", ...}, SwayDMWeb.Endpoint.HTTP, -576448719866849321, :undefined, :undefined, :undefined, -576448719669812250, -576448719669812250, %{#PID<0.11516.0> => %{...}}, [], ...}}, "GET", :"HTTP/1.1", :undefined, :undefined, 0, []}], [{:child, #PID<0.11516.0>, 1, 5000, :undefined}]}, 1, [{:response, "302 Found", %{"cache-control" => "max-age=0, private, must-revalidate", "content-length" => "82", "content-type" => "text/html; charset=utf-8", "cross-origin-window-policy" => "deny", "date" => "Thu, 07 Apr 2022 16:48:14 GMT", "location" => "/register/social", "server" => "Cowboy", "set-cookie" => [...], "x-content-type-options" => "nosniff", "x-download-options" => "noopen", "x-frame-options" => "SAMEORIGIN", "x-permitted-cross-domain-policie (truncated)