RBAC in elixir phoenix (managing routes & permissions, etc)

Hi Elixir community,

I am implementing RBAC into my project and have declared the routes that each role can access such as:

# User Management
scope "/users", MyWeb do
  pipe_through([:browser, :require_authenticated_user, :require_admin_role])

  live_session :crud_users, on_mount: MyWeb.UserAuthLive do
    live("/", UserLive.Index, :index)
    live("/new", UserLive.Index, :new)
    live("/:id/edit", UserLive.Index, :edit)
    live("/:id/show", UserLive.Index, :show)
    # ...

# Product Management
scope "/products", MyWeb do
  pipe_through([:browser, :require_authenticated_user, :require_role_product_manager])

  live_session :crud_products, on_mount: MyWeb.UserAuthLive do
    live("/", ProductLive.Index, :index)
    # ...

Now, the accessible routes of each role of the users have been declared and it works perfectly.

The problem I am facing now is that I am trying to display certain elements on the frontend which requires checking the user’s role(s).

My current solution is to use a custom function like has_role?/2 to validate by passing in the user and required_roles. The problem here is that whenever there is a change in the user’s permission, we have to find the functions (has_role?/2) that need to be modified everywhere in the app.

To make it clearer, for instance:
There is this edit user button that can be accessed by admin & hr. One day, the app owner decided to not allow hr to edit users anymore. We have to change has_role?(user, ["Admin", "HR"]) to has_role?(user, ["Admin"]).

I was thinking if there is any method to check if this user has permission to access a route by validating from the declared routes in the router.ex instead of using a function like has_role?/2?

Thank you so much in advance,

Best wishes,
Jing Hui P.