In my fictitious car company I have a module that tells me if I can sell a car with some specifications in a given country. This module Cars.Jurisdiction
reads a CSV file at compile time and it exposes a function that given a triple, compares that with the compiled CSV and returns true
or false
depending if I can sell or not the car in that country.
defmodule Cars.Jurisdiction do
# Compile time madness! #
csv_data =
|> :code.priv_dir()
|> Path.join("cars_to_sell.csv")
|> CSV.decode!(headers: false, separator: ?;)
|> Stream.uniq
|> {car, country, engine_type} ->
{String.trim(car), String.trim(country), String.trim(engine_type)}
cars_with_electric_engine =
|> # Filter and mapping operations
car_country_combo_with_diesel_engine =
|> # Filter and mapping operations
allowed_cars =
|> # Filter and mapping operations
allowed_countries =, fn {_car, country, _engine} -> country end)
allowed_engines =, fn {_car, _country, engine} -> engine end)
@allowed_cars_countries_engines csv_data
@cars_with_electric_engine cars_with_electric_engine
@car_country_combo_with_diesel_engine car_country_combo_with_diesel_engine
@allowed_cars allowed_cars
@allowed_countries allowed_countries
@allowed_engines allowed_engines
# End of compile time madness! #
@spec is_blocked?(String.t, String.t, String.t, [{String.t, String.t, String.t}]) :: boolean
def is_blocked?(car, country, engine, csv_input \\ @allowed_cars_countries_engines) do
# never trust a Human made CSV! Humans are carbon based! How flimsy!
csv_data =, &trim_csv/1)
cond do
car not in @allowed_cars -> true
car in @cars_with_electric_engine -> false
{car, country} in @car_country_combo_with_diesel_engine -> false
country not in @allowed_countries -> true
engine not in @allowed_engines -> true
true -> {car, country, engine} not in csv_data
defp trim_csv({car, country, engine}), do:
{String.trim(sport), String.trim(country), String.trim(league)}
Now, because I have a lot of stuff happening at compile time, I expected the compile time to go up a little, specially since this is running in Elixir 1.5, which is missing a ton of improvements to compile time that newer versions have.
However,I didn’t expect this to take over 20 minutes to compile. I also didn’t expect to see compilation failing with the following error:
== Compilation error in file lib/cars/jurisdiction.ex ==
** (CompileError) Elixir.Cars.Jurisdiction: function 'is_blocked?'/2+1029:
An implementation limit was reached.
Try reducing the complexity of this function.
Instruction: {bif,'=:=',{f,0},[{x,2},{literal,<<"handball">>}],{x,1023}}
(stdlib) lists.erl:1338: :lists.foreach/2
(stdlib) erl_eval.erl:670: :erl_eval.do_apply/6
make[1]: *** [compile] Error 1
I am not sure I understand what is going on here. It is complaining about my cond
I am aware that this code would be cleaner with functions using pattern matching (in fact if I do so, I avoid this error, but the code still takes half an hour to compile) but this cond
statement only has 6 cases.
- Why am I getting this error?
- Why don’t I get the error if I use functions with pattern matching?
- Why does it take over half an hour to compile?
And most importantly:
- How can I git rid of the error and the long compilation time ?