Reactor not recognizing inputs transform?

Hi there, I have the following Reactor code:

defmodule CreateNewAccount do
  use Reactor, extensions: [Ash.Reactor]
  alias Accounts.Account

  ash do
    default_domain Accounts


  create :account, Account do
    inputs %{
      email: input(:email),
      email_is_verified?: input(:email_is_verified?)
    } do
      transform(fn input ->
        |> Map.drop([:email_is_verified?])
        |> Map.put(
          if input[:email_is_verified] do

But I’m getting the following error

Compiling 2 files (.ex)

== Compilation error in file lib/create_new_account.ex ==
** (Spark.Error.DslError) [CreateNewAccount]
reactor -> create -> account:
  The create step `:account refers to an input named `email_is_verified?` which doesn't exist.

Did you mean `updated_at`, `created_at`, `id`, `email` or `email_verified_at`?

Looks like the DSL isn’t recognizing that I’m transforming the input. Is this a bug or am I just doing something incorrect?

Thank you!

Took me a while to notice this :slight_smile:

The error message is confusing here due to the overloaded term “input”. What reactor is doing here is telling you that the create action on Account that it is calling does not accept an input called email_is_verified?.

So you’d need either an argument on that action or to accept that field as input using accept to resolve this error.

Hi @zachdaniel ! I get that, but aren’t I transforming the input using the transform option to remove the :email_is_verified? option and add a :email_verified_at (which it does accept)?

Or is that not what the transform option does?

Ah, right. @jimsynz i think with the transform option we’d have to disable the check for the input map keys wouldn’t we?

Yeah that makes sense. We can’t validate the keys statically if the input is being transformed. @ekosz do you mind opening an issue on ash (it’s an Ash.Reactor bug) and I’ll tackle it once I am back from my holiday. In the mean time you can move that behaviour into a change on the underlying action or process it as a seperate step so that the input map has the correct keys.


Sounds good! Created the issue here: Disable validating input keys when transform is present · Issue #126 · ash-project/reactor · GitHub

Let me know if you would like me to add any additional context