Read Protobuf data in Elixir

I’m trying to parse some strings in protobuf format using the @bitwalker’s exprotobuf, but I’m not sure how to do that. From the examples it seems like the library is designed to implement Elixir modules using .proto files but all I want to do is get the contents of these protobuf strings in readable format.

I know this library should be able to decode the proto strings before converting them into modules, but there isn’t any documentation for that. I’m currently trying a few things with Protobuf.Decoder.decode/2 to see if that works for me.

Please help!

iex(33)> inspect proto_data                       
"<<10, 204, 30, 18, 201, 30, 26, 207, 2, 40, 176, 165, 174, 251, 156, 42, 48, 5, 74, 89, 103, 112, 58, 65, 79, 113, 112, 84, 79, 70, 120, 70, 107, 114, 103, 78, 89, 48, 122, 117, 111, 106, 71, 73, 115, 67, 113, 95, 111, 119, ...>>"

iex(34)> inspect proto_data, binaries: :as_strings
"\"\\n\\xCC\\x1E\\x12\\xC9\\x1E\\x1A\\xCF\\x02(\\xB0\\xA5\\xAE\\xFB\\x9C*0\\x05JYgp:AOqpTOFxFkrgNY0zuojGIsCq_ow2M-ve0gElq6xNzW7ijGBeT_9gotFOHArnkh3xrfIhamGIGjY956kSnkrFPg\\x8A\\x02\\xE7\\x01\\n\\x1Cperson-108247076822183591710\\x12\\x15108247076822183591710\\x18\\x1C \\t*\\x0FShahzaib NaseerRe\\b\\x04*\\\\ .... .... ....."

Okay, so I’m now trying to read a .proto file, this is the error I get:

** (Protobuf.Parser.ParserError) 92('syntax error before: ', '\'{\'')
    (exprotobuf) lib/exprotobuf/parser.ex:68: Protobuf.Parser.parse!/2
    (exprotobuf) lib/exprotobuf/parser.ex:10: anonymous fn/3 in Protobuf.Parser.parse_files!/2
        (elixir) lib/enum.ex:1623: Enum."-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-"/3
    (exprotobuf) lib/exprotobuf/parser.ex:8: Protobuf.Parser.parse_files!/2
    (exprotobuf) lib/exprotobuf.ex:68: Protobuf.parse/2
    (exprotobuf) expanding macro: Protobuf.__using__/1
                 iex:14: GP (module)
        (elixir) expanding macro: Kernel.use/2

I get the error on the Identifier line:

message BookDetails {
    repeated BookSubject subject = 3;
    optional string publisher = 4;
    optional string publicationDate = 5;
    optional string isbn = 6;
    optional int32 numberOfPages = 7;
    optional string subtitle = 8;
    repeated BookAuthor author = 9;
    optional string readerUrl = 10;
    optional string downloadEpubUrl = 11;
    optional string downloadPdfUrl = 12;
    optional string acsEpubTokenUrl = 13;
    optional string acsPdfTokenUrl = 14;
    optional bool epubAvailable = 15;
    optional bool pdfAvailable = 16;
    optional string aboutTheAuthor = 17;
    repeated group Identifier = 18 {
        optional int32 type = 19;
        optional string identifier = 20;
    optional bool fixedLayoutContent = 21;
    optional bool audioVideoContent = 22;
    optional bool isAgencyBook = 23;

I’ve got a Chromecast client working that uses Protobuf, I had to modify .proto file a bit to get it to compile.

Here’s the client

I had to remove this line from .proto file,

This might be an overkill but my current workaround is to use protobufjs:

def parse_protobuf(data) do
  binary_list = :binary.bin_to_list(data)

  {out, _exit} = System.cmd("node", ["-e", """
    var protobuf     = require('protobufjs');
    var builder      = protobuf.loadProtoFile('./proto/response.proto');
    var response     ='Response');

    var buffer       = new Buffer( #{ inspect(binary_list, limit: 10000) } );
    var decodedData  = response.decode(buffer);


  |> Poison.decode!
  |> ExUtils.Map.symbolize_keys

I rather come up with an Elixir/Erlang only solution, but this would have to do until I can figure out why ExProtobuf doesn’t work for my proto file.

Internally exprotobuf uses for parsing .proto files, encoding, decodin etc. Unfortunately gpb doesn’t support groups as stated on the features section of the And as groups are a deprecated feature of protobufs, I doubt gpb is going to be adding support for them, see:

Not 100% sure, but the suggested workaround described in the google documentation is converting that group into separate message, something like this:

message BookDetails {
  repeated Identifier identifier = 18;
message Identifier {
  optional int32 type = 19;
  optional string identifier = 20;

Doesn’t work for me. Now I get this when trying to decode

** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in :gpb.decode_wiretype/1
    (gpb) src/gpb.erl:253: :gpb.decode_wiretype(3)
    (gpb) src/gpb.erl:259: :gpb.skip_field/2
    (gpb) src/gpb.erl:217: :gpb.decode_field/4
    (gpb) src/gpb.erl:348: :gpb.decode_type/3
    (gpb) src/gpb.erl:212: :gpb.decode_field/4
    (gpb) src/gpb.erl:348: :gpb.decode_type/3
    (gpb) src/gpb.erl:212: :gpb.decode_field/4
    (gpb) src/gpb.erl:348: :gpb.decode_type/3