Reality check - about market prospects of Elixir/Phoenix

We’ve had more jobs posted on the forum this year than ever before - I even posted about it a little while ago:

Put yourself in the shoes of a potential employer - why would they want to employ you? If you can think of reasons why employing one person over another would be attractive or make sense - and then work towards that - you can give yourself an advantage.

I think something employers value immensely is passion and the desire to continue bettering yourself - employing people is a costly and long-term endeavour and so if they know the money is better invested in you than someone else you’ll have a greater chance imo.

Also take some time to look through job postings in the sectors you’d like to work in - they often give you clues about what type of developer is highly sought after in that particular field. My best advice tho is to do everything you can to make yourself more attractive/employable than others - whether that’s by creating cool libraries, writing blog posts, reading lots of books, being visible in the community or anything else that will get you noticed or appear valuable to an employer :023: