Realtime JS chart in LiveView with hooks - what do you think?

I’ve started experimenting with JS charts in LiveView and update the chart with realtime data using LV hooks. I’m able to add new datapoints to the chart without having to redraw it everytime. It seems to work well, BUT I’m not convinced if in this way, in case of really fast updates. the chart can suffer of data loss.


I’m using Highstock


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <script src=""></script>


defmodule ChartWeb.ChartLive do
  use Phoenix.LiveView

  def mount(_session, socket) do
    :timer.send_interval(1_000, self(), :next_price)
    socket =
      |> assign(:prices, historical())
    {:ok, socket}

  def render(assigns) do

    <div phx-hook="Chart" data-prices="<%= @prices %>"></div>
    <div phx-update="ignore">
      <div id="chart" style="width:100%; height:400px;" ></div>
    <pre><%= @prices %></pre>
    """ |> IO.inspect()

  def handle_info(:next_price, socket) do
    now_unix = DateTime.utc_now |> DateTime.to_unix(:second)
    {:noreply, assign(socket, :prices, Jason.encode!(random_data(now_unix)))}

  # creates last 10 minutes of random data
  def historical() do
    now_unix = DateTime.utc_now |> DateTime.to_unix(:second)
    hour_ago_unix = now_unix - 60*10

    |> Jason.encode!()

  def random_data(unix_seconds) do
    [unix_seconds * 1_000, Enum.random(100..200)]


Hooks.Chart = {
    lastprice() { return JSON.parse(this.el.dataset.prices)},
    createChart(data) {
        return Highcharts.stockChart('chart', {
            title: {
                text: 'Random prices with Phoenix LiveView'
            series: [{
                name: 'A stock',
                data: data
    addPointToChart(chart, price) {
        chart.series[0].addPoint(price, true, false)
    mounted() {
        console.log("Chart LiveView mounted");
        //using data-historical (last hour of random data)
        let historical = JSON.parse(this.el.dataset.prices);        
        this.chart = this.createChart(historical);
    updated() {
        let price = this.lastprice();
        this.addPointToChart(this.chart, price)

mount and initialization

The ChartLive module initially renders all the historical prices into data-prices attribute (`socket.connected? case to be handled, to avoid to send the whole historical data two times)

When the view is mounted, the mounted function in the JS hooks is called, it reads the data from the data-prices attribute and it creates the chart with that historical data.


Then for each new price sent from LV, the data-prices is patched and for each update Hooks.Chart.updated() function is called. It takes the new prices from the data-prices attribute and it adds it to the chart.


I think that this approach reduces the data hold, rendered and transmitted to the minimum (without taking a huge list of prices into memory and redrawing the whole chart every time) …

BUT, I honestly don’t know how it works in case of rapid updates: is it possible that the JS LiveView on the client side patches the DOM with new data, before update() is able to grab and add the last price to the chart?


Sorry, the image’s link has expired. Here’s the result,

And here with a point every 50ms

I’m still investigating if there could be a race condition in updated():sweat_smile:


Looking at the new Phoenix 1.5-rc0, the LiveDashboard seems to use a similar method

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Please correct me if any upgrade for JavaScript can execute multi threading on browser. As I known the JavaScript is just single threaded, that means, code execution will be done one at a time. And the current scenario, your implementation is also just sent the updated prices via :timer.send_interval -->handle_info and the single back-end process (Erlang’s process) is always sequential.
Then single Erlang’s process back-end–> single JavaScript threaded front-end is sequential execution pipeline and there is no race condition.

JavaScript sequential execution.

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Confirm this is exactly what we do on the LiveDashboard and it’s a great approach. Provided your chart update code is synchronous, then it guaranteed to not have any races as everything will happen in the same event loop.


I know this wasn’t at all the point of the post, but I have been trying to recreate this example and failing. I’d certainly appreciate any basic pointers anyone might have.

The browser console shows the error ‘unknown hook found for “Chart”’. It’s from phoenix_live_view.js

The raw full set of price data appears on page load and is then replaced by the raw update data every second.

Never mind, it was as simple as creating the Hooks and then adding it into the liveSocket initialisation in app.js:

let Hooks = {}

Hooks.Chart = ...

let liveSocket = new LiveSocket("/live", Socket, {hooks: Hooks, params: {_csrf_token: csrfToken}})

Using version 0.13.3 of liveview - this works great. Hooks are such a great addition!