Does anyone know how to force certain-files/project to recompile if compiletime envvars changed?
Example I have a config.exs like so
region = System.get_env("REGION", "us") |> String.to_atom()
config :app, :region, region
and code that uses it
defmodule MyModule do
if Application.compile_env!(:app, :region) == :us do
def lol() do "United" end
def lol() do "United in another language" end
I would like MyModule to recompile (outside a release setting) if REGION envvar changed.
This is pretty creative, I think it might be possible to work something along these lines, like reading back the AST of the module that used Application.compile_env!/2 and if the compile_env func cached the wrong envvar, force a recompile by doing mix compile --force.
Yea but I would like it to autodetect when to execute a force recompile, so only if certain ENVVARS changed from the last time it got compiled.
defp app_changed?(properties, mods, compile_env) do
Keyword.get(properties, :modules, []) != mods or
Keyword.get(properties, :compile_env, []) != compile_env
You can probably use this in conjunction with runtime configuration like in config/runtime.exs introduced as in Elixir 1.11, see Elixir v1.11 released - The Elixir programming language so stuff System.get_env(name) in config/runtime.exs and use Application.compile_env/3 to get it.