Regarding evaluation of arguments to ExUnit.Assertions.assert/2

This pertains to when a call is made to the function ExUnit.Assertions.assert/2 from within ExUnit.Assertions.translate_operator/6 (matched against the equality_check: false argument-set), and the first argument sent to it is unquote(call).

The call made to this function is from within a quote do: block, and the first argument sent is unquote(call), with the second being a keyword list.

In the ExUnit.Assertions.assert/2 function there is an unless expression that is to execute its code in the event that unquote(call), matched to the variable value, evaluates to false.

How can value ever be false?

When does unquote(call) have a chance to be evaluated?

Code for reference:-


  defmacro assert(assertion) do
    if translated = translate_assertion(:assert, assertion, __CALLER__) do
      {args, value} = extract_args(assertion, __CALLER__)

      quote generated: true do
        if value = unquote(value) do
          raise ExUnit.AssertionError,
            args: unquote(args),
            expr: unquote(escape_quoted(:assert, [], assertion)),
            message: "Expected truthy, got #{inspect(value)}"


  defp translate_assertion(:assert, {operator, meta, [_, _]} = expr, caller)
       when operator in @operator do
    if match?([{_, Kernel}], Macro.Env.lookup_import(caller, {operator, 2})) do
      left = Macro.var(:left, __MODULE__)
      right = Macro.var(:right, __MODULE__)
      call = {operator, meta, [left, right]}
      equality_check? = operator in [:<, :>, :!==, :!=]
      message = "Assertion with #{operator} failed"
      translate_operator(:assert, expr, call, message, equality_check?, caller)


  defp translate_operator(kind, {op, meta, [left, right]} = expr, call, message, false, _caller) do
    expr = escape_quoted(kind, meta, expr)
    context = if op in [:===, :!==], do: :===, else: :==

    quote do
      left = unquote(left)
      right = unquote(right)

        left: left,
        right: right,
        expr: unquote(expr),
        message: unquote(message),
        context: unquote(context)


  def assert(value, opts) when is_list(opts) do
    unless value, do: raise(ExUnit.AssertionError, opts)

Code like:

assert 3 * 14 == 6 * 7

will expand to:

      left = 3 * 14
      right = 6 * 7

      ExUnit.Assertions.assert(left == right,
        left: left,
        right: right,
        expr: #<ast omitted>,
        message: "Assertion with operator == failed",
        context: #<__CALLER__ omitted>
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Thanks for taking a look.

When* I try expanding something like this …

{operator, meta, [left, right]}

…using my own…

h = {:!=, [], [5, 5]}

…then passing to a function…

defmodule Tst do
 def unq(p) do
	quote do: unq2 unquote p
 def unq2(g), do: IO.puts g

…I get an AST chunk back.

If I do the unquote outside of the quote do: I get a no variable error.

error: undefined variable "p"
└─ iex:200: Tst (module)

** (CompileError) iex: cannot compile module Tst (errors have been logged)
    (elixir 1.16.0) src/elixir_expand.erl:389: :elixir_expand.expand/3
    (elixir 1.16.0) src/elixir_expand.erl:599: :elixir_expand.expand_arg/3
    (elixir 1.16.0) src/elixir_expand.erl:531: :elixir_expand.expand_list/5
    (elixir 1.16.0) src/elixir_expand.erl:437: :elixir_expand.expand/3
    (elixir 1.16.0) src/elixir_expand.erl:599: :elixir_expand.expand_arg/3
    (elixir 1.16.0) src/elixir_expand.erl:615: :elixir_expand.mapfold/5
    (elixir 1.16.0) src/elixir_expand.erl:608: :elixir_expand.expand_args/3
    iex:194: (file)

Functions like unq would need to be called from inside a defmacro to get the AST they generate turned into executable code.

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Also noticed there was a type in there specifically,

def unq2(g), do: IO.puts p

Just going to update this in the 2nd P as this was not an area of concern, nor a source of error.

Fantastic, you’ve been solving so many of my question lol!

Just a crucial sidebar, when I do…

defmodule Tst do
 defmacro unqm do
	unq({:==, [], [5, 5]})
 def unq(p) do
	quote do: Tst.unq2 (unquote p)
 def unq2(g), do: IO.inspect g
require Tst

It outputs true however,

when I use

defmodule Tst do
 defmacro unqm(k) do
 def unq(p) do
	quote do: Tst.unq2 (unquote p)
 def unq2(g), do: IO.inspect g
require Tst
Tst.unqm {:!=, [], [5, 5]}

I get AST segments again.

I think I understand why, but I don’t want to assume.

Are the function calls getting processed, or are they all getting crammed into the macro as ASTs and then getting executed in there?

Edit: I forgot that the 3 elem tuple is going to get quoted when it’s passed as an arg to the macro, which addresses the above.

The quote do…unquote is located in a def do: block which is quoted, so the unquote is in a nested quote which means that is quoted rather than executed.

  defp translate_operator(kind, {op, meta, [left, right]} = expr, call, message, false, _caller) do
    expr = escape_quoted(kind, meta, expr)
    context = if op in [:===, :!==], do: :===, else: :==

    quote do
      left = unquote(left)
      right = unquote(right)

        left: left,
        right: right,
        expr: unquote(expr),
        message: unquote(message),
        context: unquote(context)

Results in…

    quote do
      left = unquote(left)
      right = unquote(right)

        left: left,
        right: right,
        expr: unquote(expr),
        message: unquote(message),
        context: unquote(context)

…getting sent back to the macro that started the chain of function calls.

The macro will then subject the AST to a macro.escape-like processing that identifies :unquote operators in the AST and does not escape the args (children), leaving them in their current form with :unquote stripped or generating a valid AST to describe them. This occurs because the returned AST from translate_operator is the last reachable expression in the macro, and so it must be validated as a formal AST.

The macro will then insert this valid AST fragment into the over all AST at the location were it (the macro, defmacro assert(assertion)) was called.

I initial thought that evaluation was taking place at unquote and at escape, however this was corrected:

If anyone has an question about this I’d be happy to go into further detail.

If I got anything wrong please let me know.